Unit 8. Corpus creation from the web

by Arun Kumar

Data collection using Python

Web crawling is a very useful technique to obtain data from websites. In Python there are various packages available to do the task very quickly. NLTK provide functions to clean and evaluate HTML files.
In this lesson we will learn:

• What is web crawling ?
• What are the libraries for web crawling in Python?
• How to use python for downloading a web page?
• How to clean and extract data from the HTML files using NLTK ?

In simple, Web crawling is the process by which we gather pages from the Web, in order to index them to support a search engine. The major objective of this process is to gather web pages from Internet or Web. When we crawl a website, we have to take care of some crawling issues. They are, honor the robots.txt file, a file describe what are allowed to crawl and not, tell the Web server who you are and reduce over loading of the server. Now we can start trying to download some HTML files using Python
Crawling restrictions in robots.txt. We can receive robots.txt using python module called robotparser

>>>import robotparser

>>>rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()

The robotparser module contain functions, read, set url,can fetch

>>>rp.read ()
# This reads the robots.txt


# If this function return the value False means the crawling is
not allowed on the page

>>>rp.can fetch("*", "http://neuro.compute.dtu.dk/movies/")

# If this function return the value True means the crawling is
allowed on the page

using urllib2

We can use urllib2 to download HTML files. This is a library to retrieve URLs and HTMl pages. This library can be used to download web pages from Internet. The module downloads web pages using HTTP protocol. This module supported by both Python 2.x and 3.x versions. It supports various network protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. The examples here use HTTP protocol.

import urllib2

# The module imported

f = urllib2.urlopen(URL)

# urlopen is a function supported by urllib2 library to open
# HTML pages.
f = urllib2.urlopen('http://docs.python.org/2/library/urllib2.html')

# This open a HTML file to f
print f.read()
# It will display the content of HTML

Some web servers ask for authentication to download the content. To provide basic authentication urllib2 support a function.It is commonly known as handler.

# This handler can be used to provide basic authentication to the
import urllib2

# The module imported

auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()

# Calling the handler

auth_handler.add_password((realm='PDQ Application',
uri='https://mahler:8092/site­updates.py' user='klem',
passwd='kadidd!ehopper' )

#Here uri our Url, user is the user name, and password is the

opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)
# Building an opener


# Here we set the password and user name as global
# That means when the library try to open a particular web page it
#automatically provide the password and user name assigned by the


# This will retrieve particular HTML page.

Once we receive the HTML file we have to clean the file to get content. Cleaning HTML file means removing tags and other HTML specific content from the file.

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

In this HTML code we are interested in content only, which is “My first paragraph” and “My First Heading”. So it is important to remove HTML tags such as <h1>, <p> etc. NLTK provides a function to do above task. To use that function, first we have to import nltk The function has a common form

nltk.clean_html(file object )

#Here we pass file object as argument

import nltk
html_doc = “””
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

print nltk.clean_html(html_doc)

Here we are calling nltk.clean_html(html_doc) to remove HTML tags. We can use nltk.clean_html() with urllib2 library also.

import urllib2
# The module imported

import nltk
# The module imported
f = urllib2.urlopen('http://docs.python.org/2/library/urllib2.html')
print nltk.clean_html(f.read())

# This code will display content of HTML page with out including HTMl #tags
It is also possible to use nltk.clean_html() with files

import codecs

# Package for Unicode support
import nltk
with io.open('Example.HTML', 'r', encoding='utf8') as infh:
raw_content= nltk.clean_html(infh)
# We open a HTML file named Example , using uio.open() method
# and the file object is passed to nltk.clean_html() function
# raw_content contains content of HTML page

with io.open('content.txt', 'w',encoding='utf8') as f:
# We write the content of raw_content to a text file called content

It is also possible to read and clean HTML files in another way

import nltk
url = "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2284783.stm"
html = urlopen(url).read()
# Here we are passing url to urlopen and reading it

print nltk.clean_html(html)

# print the content of HTML file.

The problem with nltk.clean_html() is it fails to clean complex HTML files. When our HTML files have complicated structures we have to use other tools such as BeautifulSoup.

For documentation

Downloading files with wget and python

To download an entire website we can use wget with python.

wget is a program supported by GNU to download web pages in Linux platform. wget supports recursive downloading so we can use it to download large websites. The common form of wget is

wget http://www.website.com/file.zip

#Here it will download the zip from particular website

wget ­r http://www.website.com/index.html

#It recursively all files linked to a page

wget ­r ­U Mozilla http://www.website.com/index.html

# In the case a web server does not allow download managers,
#­U can be used to tell the web server you are using a common web

wget ­­wait=15 ­r ­U Mozilla http://www.website.com/index.html

#Some web servers may blacklist an IP if it notices that the all
#pages are being downloaded quickly. the –wait=15 option will
#prevent this:

Now let us execute wget with python

import os
cmd = 'wget ­r http://www.uoc.edu'
# This download will download UOC ́s website to home directory, after
# downloading the file we can access HTML pages and process from
# local directory.
import os
cmd ='wget ­­wait=15 ­r ­U Mozilla http://www.uoc.edu'

# This download will download UOC ́s website to home directory, each
#page is requested in 15 second interval.

7. Corpus processing

[from: http://nltk.org/book/ch02.html]

2   Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical Resources

Practical work in Natural Language Processing typically uses large bodies of linguistic data, or corpora. The goal of this chapter is to answer the following questions:

  1. What are some useful text corpora and lexical resources, and how can we access them with Python?
  2. Which Python constructs are most helpful for this work?
  3. How do we avoid repeating ourselves when writing Python code?

This chapter continues to present programming concepts by example, in the context of a linguistic processing task. We will wait until later before exploring each Python construct systematically. Don’t worry if you see an example that contains something unfamiliar; simply try it out and see what it does, and — if you’re game — modify it by substituting some part of the code with a different text or word. This way you will associate a task with a programming idiom, and learn the hows and whys later.

2.1   Accessing Text Corpora

As just mentioned, a text corpus is a large body of text. Many corpora are designed to contain a careful balance of material in one or more genres. We examined some small text collections in 1, such as the speeches known as the US Presidential Inaugural Addresses. This particular corpus actually contains dozens of individual texts — one per address — but for convenience we glued them end-to-end and treated them as a single text. 1 also used various pre-defined texts that we accessed by typing from book import *. However, since we want to be able to work with other texts, this section examines a variety of text corpora. We’ll see how to select individual texts, and how to work with them.

Gutenberg Corpus

NLTK includes a small selection of texts from the Project Gutenberg electronic text archive, which contains some 25,000 free electronic books, hosted at http://www.gutenberg.org/. We begin by getting the Python interpreter to load the NLTK package, then ask to see nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids(), the file identifiers in this corpus:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids()
['austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', 'bible-kjv.txt',
'blake-poems.txt', 'bryant-stories.txt', 'burgess-busterbrown.txt',
'carroll-alice.txt', 'chesterton-ball.txt', 'chesterton-brown.txt',
'chesterton-thursday.txt', 'edgeworth-parents.txt', 'melville-moby_dick.txt',
'milton-paradise.txt', 'shakespeare-caesar.txt', 'shakespeare-hamlet.txt',
'shakespeare-macbeth.txt', 'whitman-leaves.txt']

Let’s pick out the first of these texts — Emma by Jane Austen — and give it a short name, emma, then find out how many words it contains:

>>> emma = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
>>> len(emma)


In 1.1, we showed how you could carry out concordancing of a text such as text1 with the command text1.concordance(). However, this assumes that you are using one of the nine texts obtained as a result of doing from nltk.book import *. Now that you have started examining data fromnltk.corpus, as in the previous example, you have to employ the following pair of statements to perform concordancing and other tasks from1.1:

>>> emma = nltk.Text(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt'))
>>> emma.concordance("surprize")

When we defined emma, we invoked the words() function of the gutenberg object in NLTK’s corpus package. But since it is cumbersome to type such long names all the time, Python provides another version of theimport statement, as follows:

>>> from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
>>> gutenberg.fileids()
['austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', ...]
>>> emma = gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')

Let’s write a short program to display other information about each text, by looping over all the values of fileid corresponding to the gutenberg file identifiers listed earlier and then computing statistics for each text. For a compact output display, we will make sure that the numbers are all integers, using int().

>>> for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
...     num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(fileid)) [1]
...     num_words = len(gutenberg.words(fileid))
...     num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(fileid))
...     num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))
...     print int(num_chars/num_words), int(num_words/num_sents), int(num_words/num_vocab), fileid
4 21 26 austen-emma.txt
4 23 16 austen-persuasion.txt
4 24 22 austen-sense.txt
4 33 79 bible-kjv.txt
4 18 5 blake-poems.txt
4 17 14 bryant-stories.txt
4 17 12 burgess-busterbrown.txt
4 16 12 carroll-alice.txt
4 17 11 chesterton-ball.txt
4 19 11 chesterton-brown.txt
4 16 10 chesterton-thursday.txt
4 18 24 edgeworth-parents.txt
4 24 15 melville-moby_dick.txt
4 52 10 milton-paradise.txt
4 12 8 shakespeare-caesar.txt
4 13 7 shakespeare-hamlet.txt
4 13 6 shakespeare-macbeth.txt
4 35 12 whitman-leaves.txt

This program displays three statistics for each text: average word length, average sentence length, and the number of times each vocabulary item appears in the text on average (our lexical diversity score). Observe that average word length appears to be a general property of English, since it has a recurrent value of 4. (In fact, the average word length is really 3 not 4, since the num_chars variable counts space characters.) By contrast average sentence length and lexical diversity appear to be characteristics of particular authors.

The previous example also showed how we can access the “raw” text of the book [1], not split up into tokens. The raw() function gives us the contents of the file without any linguistic processing. So, for example,len(gutenberg.raw('blake-poems.txt') tells us how many letters occur in the text, including the spaces between words. The sents() function divides the text up into its sentences, where each sentence is a list of words:

>>> macbeth_sentences = gutenberg.sents('shakespeare-macbeth.txt')
>>> macbeth_sentences
[['[', 'The', 'Tragedie', 'of', 'Macbeth', 'by', 'William', 'Shakespeare',
'1603', ']'], ['Actus', 'Primus', '.'], ...]
>>> macbeth_sentences[1037]
['Double', ',', 'double', ',', 'toile', 'and', 'trouble', ';',
'Fire', 'burne', ',', 'and', 'Cauldron', 'bubble']
>>> longest_len = max([len(s) for s in macbeth_sentences])
>>> [s for s in macbeth_sentences if len(s) == longest_len]
[['Doubtfull', 'it', 'stood', ',', 'As', 'two', 'spent', 'Swimmers', ',', 'that',
'doe', 'cling', 'together', ',', 'And', 'choake', 'their', 'Art', ':', 'The',
'mercilesse', 'Macdonwald', ...], ...]


Most NLTK corpus readers include a variety of access methods apart from words()raw(), and sents(). Richer linguistic content is available from some corpora, such as part-of-speech tags, dialogue tags, syntactic trees, and so forth; we will see these in later chapters.

Web and Chat Text

Although Project Gutenberg contains thousands of books, it represents established literature. It is important to consider less formal language as well. NLTK’s small collection of web text includes content from a Firefox discussion forum, conversations overheard in New York, the movie script of Pirates of the Carribean, personal advertisements, and wine reviews:

>>> from nltk.corpus import webtext
>>> for fileid in webtext.fileids():
...     print fileid, webtext.raw(fileid)[:65], '...'
firefox.txt Cookie Manager: "Don't allow sites that set removed cookies to se...
grail.txt SCENE 1: [wind] [clop clop clop] KING ARTHUR: Whoa there!  [clop...
overheard.txt White guy: So, do you have any plans for this evening? Asian girl...
pirates.txt PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST, by Ted Elliott & Terr...
singles.txt 25 SEXY MALE, seeks attrac older single lady, for discreet encoun...
wine.txt Lovely delicate, fragrant Rhone wine. Polished leather and strawb...

There is also a corpus of instant messaging chat sessions, originally collected by the Naval Postgraduate School for research on automatic detection of Internet predators. The corpus contains over 10,000 posts, anonymized by replacing usernames with generic names of the form “UserNNN”, and manually edited to remove any other identifying information. The corpus is organized into 15 files, where each file contains several hundred posts collected on a given date, for an age-specific chatroom (teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, plus a generic adults chatroom). The filename contains the date, chatroom, and number of posts; e.g., 10-19-20s_706posts.xml contains 706 posts gathered from the 20s chat room on 10/19/2006.

>>> from nltk.corpus import nps_chat
>>> chatroom = nps_chat.posts('10-19-20s_706posts.xml')
>>> chatroom[123]
['i', 'do', "n't", 'want', 'hot', 'pics', 'of', 'a', 'female', ',',
'I', 'can', 'look', 'in', 'a', 'mirror', '.']

Brown Corpus

The Brown Corpus was the first million-word electronic corpus of English, created in 1961 at Brown University. This corpus contains text from 500 sources, and the sources have been categorized by genre, such as news,editorial, and so on. 2.1 gives an example of each genre (for a complete list, see http://icame.uib.no/brown/bcm-los.html).

Table 2.1:

Example Document for Each Section of the Brown Corpus

ID File Genre Description
A16 ca16 news Chicago Tribune: Society Reportage
B02 cb02 editorial Christian Science Monitor: Editorials
C17 cc17 reviews Time Magazine: Reviews
D12 cd12 religion Underwood: Probing the Ethics of Realtors
E36 ce36 hobbies Norling: Renting a Car in Europe
F25 cf25 lore Boroff: Jewish Teenage Culture
G22 cg22 belles_lettres Reiner: Coping with Runaway Technology
H15 ch15 government US Office of Civil and Defence Mobilization: The Family Fallout Shelter
J17 cj19 learned Mosteller: Probability with Statistical Applications
K04 ck04 fiction W.E.B. Du Bois: Worlds of Color
L13 cl13 mystery Hitchens: Footsteps in the Night
M01 cm01 science_fiction Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land
N14 cn15 adventure Field: Rattlesnake Ridge
P12 cp12 romance Callaghan: A Passion in Rome
R06 cr06 humor Thurber: The Future, If Any, of Comedy

We can access the corpus as a list of words, or a list of sentences (where each sentence is itself just a list of words). We can optionally specify particular categories or files to read:

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> brown.categories()
['adventure', 'belles_lettres', 'editorial', 'fiction', 'government', 'hobbies',
'humor', 'learned', 'lore', 'mystery', 'news', 'religion', 'reviews', 'romance',
>>> brown.words(categories='news')
['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', ...]
>>> brown.words(fileids=['cg22'])
['Does', 'our', 'society', 'have', 'a', 'runaway', ',', ...]
>>> brown.sents(categories=['news', 'editorial', 'reviews'])
[['The', 'Fulton', 'County'...], ['The', 'jury', 'further'...], ...]

The Brown Corpus is a convenient resource for studying systematic differences between genres, a kind of linguistic inquiry known as stylistics. Let’s compare genres in their usage of modal verbs. The first step is to produce the counts for a particular genre. Remember to import nltk before doing the following:

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> news_text = brown.words(categories='news')
>>> fdist = nltk.FreqDist([w.lower() for w in news_text])
>>> modals = ['can', 'could', 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
>>> for m in modals:
...     print m + ':', fdist[m],
can: 94 could: 87 may: 93 might: 38 must: 53 will: 389


Your Turn: Choose a different section of the Brown Corpus, and adapt the previous example to count a selection of wh words, such as what,when, where, who, and why.

Next, we need to obtain counts for each genre of interest. We’ll use NLTK’s support for conditional frequency distributions. These are presented systematically in 2.2, where we also unpick the following code line by line. For the moment, you can ignore the details and just concentrate on the output.

>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (genre, word)
...           for genre in brown.categories()
...           for word in brown.words(categories=genre))
>>> genres = ['news', 'religion', 'hobbies', 'science_fiction', 'romance', 'humor']
>>> modals = ['can', 'could', 'may', 'might', 'must', 'will']
>>> cfd.tabulate(conditions=genres, samples=modals)
                 can could  may might must will
           news   93   86   66   38   50  389
       religion   82   59   78   12   54   71
        hobbies  268   58  131   22   83  264
science_fiction   16   49    4   12    8   16
        romance   74  193   11   51   45   43
          humor   16   30    8    8    9   13

Observe that the most frequent modal in the news genre is will, while the most frequent modal in the romance genre is could. Would you have predicted this? The idea that word counts might distinguish genres will be taken up again in chap-data-intensive.

Reuters Corpus

The Reuters Corpus contains 10,788 news documents totaling 1.3 million words. The documents have been classified into 90 topics, and grouped into two sets, called “training” and “test”; thus, the text with fileid'test/14826' is a document drawn from the test set. This split is for training and testing algorithms that automatically detect the topic of a document, as we will see in chap-data-intensive.

>>> from nltk.corpus import reuters
>>> reuters.fileids()
['test/14826', 'test/14828', 'test/14829', 'test/14832', ...]
>>> reuters.categories()
['acq', 'alum', 'barley', 'bop', 'carcass', 'castor-oil', 'cocoa',
'coconut', 'coconut-oil', 'coffee', 'copper', 'copra-cake', 'corn',
'cotton', 'cotton-oil', 'cpi', 'cpu', 'crude', 'dfl', 'dlr', ...]

Unlike the Brown Corpus, categories in the Reuters corpus overlap with each other, simply because a news story often covers multiple topics. We can ask for the topics covered by one or more documents, or for the documents included in one or more categories. For convenience, the corpus methods accept a single fileid or a list of fileids.

>>> reuters.categories('training/9865')
['barley', 'corn', 'grain', 'wheat']
>>> reuters.categories(['training/9865', 'training/9880'])
['barley', 'corn', 'grain', 'money-fx', 'wheat']
>>> reuters.fileids('barley')
['test/15618', 'test/15649', 'test/15676', 'test/15728', 'test/15871', ...]
>>> reuters.fileids(['barley', 'corn'])
['test/14832', 'test/14858', 'test/15033', 'test/15043', 'test/15106',
'test/15287', 'test/15341', 'test/15618', 'test/15618', 'test/15648', ...]

Similarly, we can specify the words or sentences we want in terms of files or categories. The first handful of words in each of these texts are the titles, which by convention are stored as upper case.

>>> reuters.words('training/9865')[:14]
'DETAILED', 'French', 'operators', 'have', 'requested', 'licences', 'to', 'export']
>>> reuters.words(['training/9865', 'training/9880'])
>>> reuters.words(categories='barley')
>>> reuters.words(categories=['barley', 'corn'])
['THAI', 'TRADE', 'DEFICIT', 'WIDENS', 'IN', 'FIRST', ...]

Inaugural Address Corpus

In 1.1, we looked at the Inaugural Address Corpus, but treated it as a single text. The graph in fig-inaugural used “word offset” as one of the axes; this is the numerical index of the word in the corpus, counting from the first word of the first address. However, the corpus is actually a collection of 55 texts, one for each presidential address. An interesting property of this collection is its time dimension:

>>> from nltk.corpus import inaugural
>>> inaugural.fileids()
['1789-Washington.txt', '1793-Washington.txt', '1797-Adams.txt', ...]
>>> [fileid[:4] for fileid in inaugural.fileids()]
['1789', '1793', '1797', '1801', '1805', '1809', '1813', '1817', '1821', ...]

Notice that the year of each text appears in its filename. To get the year out of the filename, we extracted the first four characters, using fileid[:4].

Let’s look at how the words America and citizen are used over time. The following code converts the words in the Inaugural corpus to lowercase using w.lower() [1], then checks if they start with either of the “targets”america or citizen using startswith() [1]. Thus it will count words like American’s and Citizens. We’ll learn about conditional frequency distributions in 2.2; for now just consider the output, shown in 2.1.

>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (target, fileid[:4])
...           for fileid in inaugural.fileids()
...           for w in inaugural.words(fileid)
...           for target in ['america', 'citizen']
...           if w.lower().startswith(target)) [1]
>>> cfd.plot()
../images/inaugural2.pngFigure 2.1: Plot of a Conditional Frequency Distribution: all words in the Inaugural Address Corpus that begin with america or citizen are counted; separate counts are kept for each address; these are plotted so that trends in usage over time can be observed; counts are not normalized for document length.

Annotated Text Corpora

Many text corpora contain linguistic annotations, representing POS tags, named entities, syntactic structures, semantic roles, and so forth. NLTK provides convenient ways to access several of these corpora, and has data packages containing corpora and corpus samples, freely downloadable for use in teaching and research. 2.2 lists some of the corpora. For information about downloading them, see http://www.nltk.org/data. For more examples of how to access NLTK corpora, please consult the Corpus HOWTO at http://www.nltk.org/howto.

Table 2.2:

Some of the Corpora and Corpus Samples Distributed with NLTK: For information about downloading and using them, please consult the NLTK website.

Corpus Compiler Contents
Brown Corpus Francis, Kucera 15 genres, 1.15M words, tagged, categorized
CESS Treebanks CLiC-UB 1M words, tagged and parsed (Catalan, Spanish)
Chat-80 Data Files Pereira & Warren World Geographic Database
CMU Pronouncing Dictionary CMU 127k entries
CoNLL 2000 Chunking Data CoNLL 270k words, tagged and chunked
CoNLL 2002 Named Entity CoNLL 700k words, pos- and named-entity-tagged (Dutch, Spanish)
CoNLL 2007 Dependency Treebanks (sel) CoNLL 150k words, dependency parsed (Basque, Catalan)
Dependency Treebank Narad Dependency parsed version of Penn Treebank sample
Floresta Treebank Diana Santos et al 9k sentences, tagged and parsed (Portuguese)
Gazetteer Lists Various Lists of cities and countries
Genesis Corpus Misc web sources 6 texts, 200k words, 6 languages
Gutenberg (selections) Hart, Newby, et al 18 texts, 2M words
Inaugural Address Corpus CSpan US Presidential Inaugural Addresses (1789-present)
Indian POS-Tagged Corpus Kumaran et al 60k words, tagged (Bangla, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu)
MacMorpho Corpus NILC, USP, Brazil 1M words, tagged (Brazilian Portuguese)
Movie Reviews Pang, Lee 2k movie reviews with sentiment polarity classification
Names Corpus Kantrowitz, Ross 8k male and female names
NIST 1999 Info Extr (selections) Garofolo 63k words, newswire and named-entity SGML markup
NPS Chat Corpus Forsyth, Martell 10k IM chat posts, POS-tagged and dialogue-act tagged
PP Attachment Corpus Ratnaparkhi 28k prepositional phrases, tagged as noun or verb modifiers
Proposition Bank Palmer 113k propositions, 3300 verb frames
Question Classification Li, Roth 6k questions, categorized
Reuters Corpus Reuters 1.3M words, 10k news documents, categorized
Roget’s Thesaurus Project Gutenberg 200k words, formatted text
RTE Textual Entailment Dagan et al 8k sentence pairs, categorized
SEMCOR Rus, Mihalcea 880k words, part-of-speech and sense tagged
Senseval 2 Corpus Pedersen 600k words, part-of-speech and sense tagged
Shakespeare texts (selections) Bosak 8 books in XML format
State of the Union Corpus CSPAN 485k words, formatted text
Stopwords Corpus Porter et al 2,400 stopwords for 11 languages
Swadesh Corpus Wiktionary comparative wordlists in 24 languages
Switchboard Corpus (selections) LDC 36 phonecalls, transcribed, parsed
Univ Decl of Human Rights United Nations 480k words, 300+ languages
Penn Treebank (selections) LDC 40k words, tagged and parsed
TIMIT Corpus (selections) NIST/LDC audio files and transcripts for 16 speakers
VerbNet 2.1 Palmer et al 5k verbs, hierarchically organized, linked to WordNet
Wordlist Corpus OpenOffice.org et al 960k words and 20k affixes for 8 languages
WordNet 3.0 (English) Miller, Fellbaum 145k synonym sets

Corpora in Other Languages

NLTK comes with corpora for many languages, though in some cases you will need to learn how to manipulate character encodings in Python before using these corpora (see 3.3).

>>> nltk.corpus.cess_esp.words()
['El', 'grupo', 'estatal', 'Electricit\xe9_de_France', ...]
>>> nltk.corpus.floresta.words()
['Um', 'revivalismo', 'refrescante', 'O', '7_e_Meio', ...]
>>> nltk.corpus.indian.words('hindi.pos')
\x82\xe0\xa4\xa7', ...]
>>> nltk.corpus.udhr.fileids()
['Abkhaz-Cyrillic+Abkh', 'Abkhaz-UTF8', 'Achehnese-Latin1', 'Achuar-Shiwiar-Latin1',
'Adja-UTF8', 'Afaan_Oromo_Oromiffa-Latin1', 'Afrikaans-Latin1', 'Aguaruna-Latin1',
'Akuapem_Twi-UTF8', 'Albanian_Shqip-Latin1', 'Amahuaca', 'Amahuaca-Latin1', ...]
>>> nltk.corpus.udhr.words('Javanese-Latin1')[11:]
[u'Saben', u'umat', u'manungsa', u'lair', u'kanthi', ...]

The last of these corpora, udhr, contains the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in over 300 languages. The fileids for this corpus include information about the character encoding used in the file, such as UTF8 orLatin1. Let’s use a conditional frequency distribution to examine the differences in word lengths for a selection of languages included in the udhr corpus. The output is shown in 2.2 (run the program yourself to see a color plot). Note that True and False are Python’s built-in boolean values.

>>> from nltk.corpus import udhr
>>> languages = ['Chickasaw', 'English', 'German_Deutsch',
...     'Greenlandic_Inuktikut', 'Hungarian_Magyar', 'Ibibio_Efik']
>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (lang, len(word))
...           for lang in languages
...           for word in udhr.words(lang + '-Latin1'))
>>> cfd.plot(cumulative=True)
../images/word-len-dist.pngFigure 2.2: Cumulative Word Length Distributions: Six translations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are processed; this graph shows that words having 5 or fewer letters account for about 80% of Ibibio text, 60% of German text, and 25% of Inuktitut text.


Your Turn: Pick a language of interest in udhr.fileids(), and define a variable raw_text = udhr.raw(Language-Latin1). Now plot a frequency distribution of the letters of the text using nltk.FreqDist(raw_text).plot().

Unfortunately, for many languages, substantial corpora are not yet available. Often there is insufficient government or industrial support for developing language resources, and individual efforts are piecemeal and hard to discover or re-use. Some languages have no established writing system, or are endangered. (See 2.7 for suggestions on how to locate language resources.)

Text Corpus Structure

We have seen a variety of corpus structures so far; these are summarized in 2.3. The simplest kind lacks any structure: it is just a collection of texts. Often, texts are grouped into categories that might correspond to genre, source, author, language, etc. Sometimes these categories overlap, notably in the case of topical categories as a text can be relevant to more than one topic. Occasionally, text collections have temporal structure, news collections being the most common example.

../images/text-corpus-structure.pngFigure 2.3: Common Structures for Text Corpora: The simplest kind of corpus is a collection of isolated texts with no particular organization; some corpora are structured into categories like genre (Brown Corpus); some categorizations overlap, such as topic categories (Reuters Corpus); other corpora represent language use over time (Inaugural Address Corpus).

Table 2.3:

Basic Corpus Functionality defined in NLTK: more documentation can be found using help(nltk.corpus.reader) and by reading the online Corpus HOWTO at http://www.nltk.org/howto.

Example Description
fileids() the files of the corpus
fileids([categories]) the files of the corpus corresponding to these categories
categories() the categories of the corpus
categories([fileids]) the categories of the corpus corresponding to these files
raw() the raw content of the corpus
raw(fileids=[f1,f2,f3]) the raw content of the specified files
raw(categories=[c1,c2]) the raw content of the specified categories
words() the words of the whole corpus
words(fileids=[f1,f2,f3]) the words of the specified fileids
words(categories=[c1,c2]) the words of the specified categories
sents() the sentences of the whole corpus
sents(fileids=[f1,f2,f3]) the sentences of the specified fileids
sents(categories=[c1,c2]) the sentences of the specified categories
abspath(fileid) the location of the given file on disk
encoding(fileid) the encoding of the file (if known)
open(fileid) open a stream for reading the given corpus file
root() the path to the root of locally installed corpus
readme() the contents of the README file of the corpus

NLTK’s corpus readers support efficient access to a variety of corpora, and can be used to work with new corpora. 2.3 lists functionality provided by the corpus readers. We illustrate the difference between some of the corpus access methods below:

>>> raw = gutenberg.raw("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
>>> raw[1:20]
'The Adventures of B'
>>> words = gutenberg.words("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
>>> words[1:20]
['The', 'Adventures', 'of', 'Buster', 'Bear', 'by', 'Thornton', 'W', '.',
'Burgess', '1920', ']', 'I', 'BUSTER', 'BEAR', 'GOES', 'FISHING', 'Buster',
>>> sents = gutenberg.sents("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
>>> sents[1:20]
[['I'], ['BUSTER', 'BEAR', 'GOES', 'FISHING'], ['Buster', 'Bear', 'yawned', 'as',
'he', 'lay', 'on', 'his', 'comfortable', 'bed', 'of', 'leaves', 'and', 'watched',
'the', 'first', 'early', 'morning', 'sunbeams', 'creeping', 'through', ...], ...]

Loading your own Corpus

If you have a your own collection of text files that you would like to access using the above methods, you can easily load them with the help of NLTK’s PlaintextCorpusReader. Check the location of your files on your file system; in the following example, we have taken this to be the directory /usr/share/dict. Whatever the location, set this to be the value of corpus_root [1]. The second parameter of the PlaintextCorpusReaderinitializer [2] can be a list of fileids, like ['a.txt', 'test/b.txt'], or a pattern that matches all fileids, like '[abc]/.*\.txt' (see 3.4 for information about regular expressions).

>>> from nltk.corpus import PlaintextCorpusReader
>>> corpus_root = '/usr/share/dict' [1]
>>> wordlists = PlaintextCorpusReader(corpus_root, '.*') [2]
>>> wordlists.fileids()
['README', 'connectives', 'propernames', 'web2', 'web2a', 'words']
>>> wordlists.words('connectives')
['the', 'of', 'and', 'to', 'a', 'in', 'that', 'is', ...]

As another example, suppose you have your own local copy of Penn Treebank (release 3), in C:\corpora. We can use the BracketParseCorpusReader to access this corpus. We specify the corpus_root to be the location of the parsed Wall Street Journal component of the corpus [1], and give a file_pattern that matches the files contained within its subfolders [2] (using forward slashes).

>>> from nltk.corpus import BracketParseCorpusReader
>>> corpus_root = r"C:\corpora\penntreebank\parsed\mrg\wsj" [1]
>>> file_pattern = r".*/wsj_.*\.mrg" [2]
>>> ptb = BracketParseCorpusReader(corpus_root, file_pattern)
>>> ptb.fileids()
['00/wsj_0001.mrg', '00/wsj_0002.mrg', '00/wsj_0003.mrg', '00/wsj_0004.mrg', ...]
>>> len(ptb.sents())
>>> ptb.sents(fileids='20/wsj_2013.mrg')[19]
['The', '55-year-old', 'Mr.', 'Noriega', 'is', "n't", 'as', 'smooth', 'as', 'the',
'shah', 'of', 'Iran', ',', 'as', 'well-born', 'as', 'Nicaragua', "'s", 'Anastasio',
'Somoza', ',', 'as', 'imperial', 'as', 'Ferdinand', 'Marcos', 'of', 'the', 'Philippines',
'or', 'as', 'bloody', 'as', 'Haiti', "'s", 'Baby', Doc', 'Duvalier', '.']

2.2   Conditional Frequency Distributions

We introduced frequency distributions in 1.3. We saw that given some list mylist of words or other items, FreqDist(mylist) would compute the number of occurrences of each item in the list. Here we will generalize this idea.

When the texts of a corpus are divided into several categories, by genre, topic, author, etc, we can maintain separate frequency distributions for each category. This will allow us to study systematic differences between the categories. In the previous section we achieved this using NLTK’s ConditionalFreqDist data type. A conditional frequency distribution is a collection of frequency distributions, each one for a different “condition”. The condition will often be the category of the text. 2.4 depicts a fragment of a conditional frequency distribution having just two conditions, one for news text and one for romance text.

../images/tally2.pngFigure 2.4: Counting Words Appearing in a Text Collection (a conditional frequency distribution)

Conditions and Events

A frequency distribution counts observable events, such as the appearance of words in a text. A conditional frequency distribution needs to pair each event with a condition. So instead of processing a sequence of words [1], we have to process a sequence of pairs [2]:

>>> text = ['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', ...] [1]
>>> pairs = [('news', 'The'), ('news', 'Fulton'), ('news', 'County'), ...] [2]

Each pair has the form (condition, event). If we were processing the entire Brown Corpus by genre there would be 15 conditions (one per genre), and 1,161,192 events (one per word).

Counting Words by Genre

In 2.1 we saw a conditional frequency distribution where the condition was the section of the Brown Corpus, and for each condition we counted words. Whereas FreqDist() takes a simple list as input,ConditionalFreqDist() takes a list of pairs.

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (genre, word)
...           for genre in brown.categories()
...           for word in brown.words(categories=genre))

Let’s break this down, and look at just two genres, news and romance. For each genre [2], we loop over every word in the genre [3], producing pairs consisting of the genre and the word [1]:

>>> genre_word = [(genre, word) [1]
...               for genre in ['news', 'romance'] [2]
...               for word in brown.words(categories=genre)] [3]
>>> len(genre_word)

So, as we can see below, pairs at the beginning of the list genre_word will be of the form ('news'word[1], while those at the end will be of the form ('romance'word[2].

>>> genre_word[:4]
[('news', 'The'), ('news', 'Fulton'), ('news', 'County'), ('news', 'Grand')] # [_start-genre]
>>> genre_word[-4:]
[('romance', 'afraid'), ('romance', 'not'), ('romance', "''"), ('romance', '.')] # [_end-genre]

We can now use this list of pairs to create a ConditionalFreqDist, and save it in a variable cfd. As usual, we can type the name of the variable to inspect it [1], and verify it has two conditions [2]:

>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(genre_word)
>>> cfd [1]
<ConditionalFreqDist with 2 conditions>
>>> cfd.conditions()
['news', 'romance'] # [_conditions-cfd]

Let’s access the two conditions, and satisfy ourselves that each is just a frequency distribution:

>>> cfd['news']
<FreqDist with 100554 outcomes>
>>> cfd['romance']
<FreqDist with 70022 outcomes>
>>> list(cfd['romance'])
[',', '.', 'the', 'and', 'to', 'a', 'of', '``', "''", 'was', 'I', 'in', 'he', 'had',
'?', 'her', 'that', 'it', 'his', 'she', 'with', 'you', 'for', 'at', 'He', 'on', 'him',
'said', '!', '--', 'be', 'as', ';', 'have', 'but', 'not', 'would', 'She', 'The', ...]
>>> cfd['romance']['could']

Plotting and Tabulating Distributions

Apart from combining two or more frequency distributions, and being easy to initialize, a ConditionalFreqDist provides some useful methods for tabulation and plotting.

The plot in 2.1 was based on a conditional frequency distribution reproduced in the code below. The condition is either of the words america or citizen [2], and the counts being plotted are the number of times the word occured in a particular speech. It expoits the fact that the filename for each speech, e.g., 1865-Lincoln.txt contains the year as the first four characters [1]. This code generates the pair ('america', '1865') for every instance of a word whose lowercased form starts with america — such as Americans — in the file 1865-Lincoln.txt.

>>> from nltk.corpus import inaugural
>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (target, fileid[:4]) [1]
...           for fileid in inaugural.fileids()
...           for w in inaugural.words(fileid)
...           for target in ['america', 'citizen'] [2]
...           if w.lower().startswith(target))

The plot in 2.2 was also based on a conditional frequency distribution, reproduced below. This time, the condition is the name of the language and the counts being plotted are derived from word lengths [1]. It exploits the fact that the filename for each language is the language name followed by '-Latin1' (the character encoding).

>>> from nltk.corpus import udhr
>>> languages = ['Chickasaw', 'English', 'German_Deutsch',
...     'Greenlandic_Inuktikut', 'Hungarian_Magyar', 'Ibibio_Efik']
>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(
...           (lang, len(word)) [1]
...           for lang in languages
...           for word in udhr.words(lang + '-Latin1'))

In the plot() and tabulate() methods, we can optionally specify which conditions to display with a conditions= parameter. When we omit it, we get all the conditions. Similarly, we can limit the samples to display with a samples= parameter. This makes it possible to load a large quantity of data into a conditional frequency distribution, and then to explore it by plotting or tabulating selected conditions and samples. It also gives us full control over the order of conditions and samples in any displays. For example, we can tabulate the cumulative frequency data just for two languages, and for words less than 10 characters long, as shown below. We interpret a the last cell on the top row to mean that 1,638 words of the English text have 9 or fewer letters.

>>> cfd.tabulate(conditions=['English', 'German_Deutsch'],
...              samples=range(10), cumulative=True)
                  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
       English    0  185  525  883  997 1166 1283 1440 1558 1638
German_Deutsch    0  171  263  614  717  894 1013 1110 1213 1275


Your Turn: Working with the news and romance genres from the Brown Corpus, find out which days of the week are most newsworthy, and which are most romantic. Define a variable called days containing a list of days of the week, i.e. ['Monday', ...]. Now tabulate the counts for these words using cfd.tabulate(samples=days). Now try the same thing using plot in place of tabulate. You may control the output order of days with the help of an extra parameter: conditions=['Monday', ...].

You may have noticed that the multi-line expressions we have been using with conditional frequency distributions look like list comprehensions, but without the brackets. In general, when we use a list comprehension as a parameter to a function, like set([w.lower for w in t]), we are permitted to omit the square brackets and just write: set(w.lower() for w in t). (See the discussion of “generator expressions” in 4.2 for more about this.)

Generating Random Text with Bigrams

We can use a conditional frequency distribution to create a table of bigrams (word pairs). (We introducted bigrams in 1.3.) The bigrams() function takes a list of words and builds a list of consecutive word pairs:

>>> sent = ['In', 'the', 'beginning', 'God', 'created', 'the', 'heaven',
...   'and', 'the', 'earth', '.']
>>> nltk.bigrams(sent)
[('In', 'the'), ('the', 'beginning'), ('beginning', 'God'), ('God', 'created'),
('created', 'the'), ('the', 'heaven'), ('heaven', 'and'), ('and', 'the'),
('the', 'earth'), ('earth', '.')]

In 2.5, we treat each word as a condition, and for each one we effectively create a frequency distribution over the following words. The function generate_model() contains a simple loop to generate text. When we call the function, we choose a word (such as 'living') as our initial context, then once inside the loop, we print the current value of the variable word, and reset word to be the most likely token in that context (using max()); next time through the loop, we use that word as our new context. As you can see by inspecting the output, this simple approach to text generation tends to get stuck in loops; another method would be to randomly choose the next word from among the available words.

def generate_model(cfdist, word, num=15):
    for i in range(num):
        print word,
        word = cfdist[word].max()

text = nltk.corpus.genesis.words('english-kjv.txt')
bigrams = nltk.bigrams(text)
cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(bigrams) [1]
>>> print cfd['living']
<FreqDist: 'creature': 7, 'thing': 4, 'substance': 2, ',': 1, '.': 1, 'soul': 1>
>>> generate_model(cfd, 'living')
living creature that he said , and the land of the land of the land
Example 2.5 (code_random_text.py): Figure 2.5: Generating Random Text: this program obtains all bigrams from the text of the book of Genesis, then constructs a conditional frequency distribution to record which words are most likely to follow a given word; e.g., after the word living, the most likely word is creature; the generate_model() function uses this data, and a seed word, to generate random text.

Conditional frequency distributions are a useful data structure for many NLP tasks. Their commonly-used methods are summarized in 2.4.

Table 2.4:

NLTK’s Conditional Frequency Distributions: commonly-used methods and idioms for defining, accessing, and visualizing a conditional frequency distribution. of counters.

Example Description
cfdist = ConditionalFreqDist(pairs) create a conditional frequency distribution from a list of pairs
cfdist.conditions() alphabetically sorted list of conditions
cfdist[condition] the frequency distribution for this condition
cfdist[condition][sample] frequency for the given sample for this condition
cfdist.tabulate() tabulate the conditional frequency distribution
cfdist.tabulate(samples, conditions) tabulation limited to the specified samples and conditions
cfdist.plot() graphical plot of the conditional frequency distribution
cfdist.plot(samples, conditions) graphical plot limited to the specified samples and conditions
cfdist1 < cfdist2 test if samples in cfdist1 occur less frequently than in cfdist2

Unit 6 (Part II). Working with XML files: writing XML files


In this section we will learn to write an xml file using several strategies.

For the examples we consider a dictionary containing names as keys and telephones as values, for example:

phonelist["Toni"]="654 221 123"
phonelist["Marta"]="443 221 321"
phonelist["Sergi"]="554 222 112"

And we want to write a XML like this one:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <phone>654 221 123</phone>
      <phone>443 221 321</phone>
      <phone>554 222 112</phone>

1. Writing raw XML

The most straight solution, but probably not the best one, is to write directly the XML in your code. Remember than an XML file is simply a text file with some tags. Here you can find this first solution to the problem:

import codecs
phonelist["Toni"]="654 221 123"
phonelist["Marta"]="443 221 321"
phonelist["Sergi"]="554 222 112"


sortida.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")
for key in phonelist.keys():
   sortida.write(" <entry>\n")
   sortida.write(" <name>"+key+"</name>\n")
   sortida.write(" <phone>"+phonelist[key]+"</phone>\n")
   sortida.write(" </entry>\n")

2. Using xml.etree.ElementTree

xml.etree.ElementTree provides classes that let you describe XML from Python in a very similar way to what you would do when writting raw XML by hand. The following file can be created like this:

from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement

phonelist["Toni"]="654 221 123"
phonelist["Marta"]="443 221 321"
phonelist["Sergi"]="554 222 112"

root = Element( 'phonelist' )

for key in phonelist.keys():
    entry = SubElement( root, 'entry' )
    name = SubElement(entry, "name")
    name.text = key
    phone = SubElement(entry, "phone")
    phone.text = phonelist[key]

output_file = open( 'sortida.xml', 'w' )
output_file.write( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' )
output_file.write( ElementTree.tostring( root)

If you test this program you’ll notice that the resulting xml is written in one line and is not human readable.

3. Pretty-Printing XML

Here we will use another module to modify the program for pretty-printing output. Let’s take a look at the code:

from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement

from xml.dom import minidom

def prettify(elem):
    """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.
    rough_string = ElementTree.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
    reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
    return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="  ")

phonelist["Toni"]="654 221 123"
phonelist["Marta"]="443 221 321"
phonelist["Sergi"]="554 222 112"

root = Element( 'phonelist' )

for key in phonelist.keys():
    entry = SubElement( root, 'entry' )
    name = SubElement(entry, "name")
    name.text = key
    phone = SubElement(entry, "phone")
    phone.text = phonelist[key]

output_file = open( 'sortida.xml', 'w' )
output_file.write( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' )
output_file.write( prettify(root))

Unit 6 (Part I). Working with XML files: parsing XML files

1. Introduction

For a good introduction to XML I’d recommend to follow the XML Tutorial on W3Schools: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/ It’s very important to start with this tutorial if you do’t have previous knowledge of XML.

In this unit we will learn to write and parse XML files, using several strategies, from simple regular expression to specific libraries.

2. Parsing an XML file with regular expressions

We want to parse the following XML file: catalog.xml (download it right-clicking on the link) and write to the screen the title of each CD. It can be easily done with simple regular expressions:

import re
for title in found:
    print title

With the findall method we can find all the occurrences of the information between title tags. Please, note that with the (.*) we are storing the content between the tags.

2. Parsing an XML using the DOM library

The standard DOM library allows us to parse an XML into a tree of objects. It also provides an interface for navigating the tree allowing the extraction of attributes and values. You can find all the information about this library at http://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.dom.html

Here we can see the same previous program implemented using this strategy:

from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node
for node1 in xmltree.getElementsByTagName('title'):
    for node2 in node1.childNodes:
        if node2.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
            print node2.data

3. SAX parsing

The Python’s standard library also supports SAX parsing for XML. Full information about Python and SAX can be found at: http://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.sax.html

Here we can find the solution to the same problem using this strategy:

import xml.sax.handler
class CatalogHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def startElement(self,name,attributes):
        if name=='title':
    def characters(self,data):
        if self.inTitle:
            print data
    def endElement(self,name):
        if name=='title':

import xml.sax

4. Etree package

This can be a good option for parsing and generating XML using less code than with the XML DOM parsers and achieving the same effects. The full documentation of this package is available here: http://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html

Here is the implementation of the same program using this package:

from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
for E in tree.findall('cd/title'):
    print E.text

Unit 5 (part II). Working with files II. The plain text corpus reader of NLTK


NLTK offers a set of corpora and easy interfaces to access them. You can find a good introduction in Chapter 2 of NLTK’s book (http://nltk.org/book/ch02.html). In this section we will use tht Plain Text Corpus Reader of NLTK to access our own text files and treat them as regular corpora. You have the documentation of this reader here: http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/api/nltk.corpus.reader.plaintext.PlaintextCorpusReader-class.html

We will see how it works with a set of easy examples.

Accessing paragraphs, sentences and words from a one-file corpus

We have a simple corpus consisting in one file with text from a piece of news (you can visit any on-line newpaper to create one).

import nltk

corpus = nltk.corpus.reader.plaintext.PlaintextCorpusReader(".", "news1.txt")



for p in paragraphs:
    print p




for s in sentences:
    print s



for w in words:
    print w

Remember that the command raw_input() waits until the key Enter is pressed.

Accessing a multi-file corpus

Our corpus can be formed by a serie of files in one directory. Let’s imagine we have a subdirectory in our working directory containing five pieces of news. In the following example we explain some methods for a multi-file corpus. Please, note the different way to import the reader in the two examples:

from nltk.corpus.reader.plaintext import PlaintextCorpusReader

corpus = PlaintextCorpusReader("./news", ".*\.txt")

#Accessing the name of the files of the corpus


for f in files:
    print f

#Accessing all the text of the corpus


print all_text


#Accessing all the text for one of the files


print news1_text

Unit 5 (part I). Working with files I

5.1. Opening and reading text files

We already know how to open a text file and reading it.

To read the contents of a file:

for line in lines:
    print line

We strore all the file in the lines array using the readlines() method. This can cause memory problems for large files. We can instead read line by line in a loop ending the loop where no more lines to read are found:

while 1:
    if not line:
    print line

Remember than to write to a file we simply have to change the open method to “w”:


It is good practice to use the with keyword when dealing with file objects. This has the advantage that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an exception is raised on the way. It is also much shorter than writing equivalent try-finally blocks:

with open("corpusONUeng.txt", 'r') as f:
    read_data = f.read()
print read_data

In this example we store all the file in a string using the method read()

In the previous examples we didn’t have control over the encoding of the files, and they were supossed to be in the default encoding of the system. Is a good idea to have control over this issue using the codecs library, as in the following example:

import codecs

for line in lines:
    print line

5.1. Opening and reading an OpenOffice/LibreOffice file

We now are going to read an OpenOffice/LibreOffice file and extract all the text in it. Do understand the program you should know than an odt file is simply a zip file containing several xml files in it. The xml file inside the zip file containing the content is the content.xml file. So the program will open a zip file and read an xml file and will convert it into simple text by a simple regular expression. Here’s the program:

import zipfile,re
zf=zipfile.ZipFile("onu.odt","r") #change onu.odt with the name of your file
print data
data=" ".join(stripxml.sub(" ",data).split())
print data

Try to understand the program. You can post any question in our Piazza classroom.

5.2. Opening and reading an Word (.doc) file

To deal with this kind of file we will access Microsoft Word itself through COM to perform the conversion. You can only run this program under Windows and you need to have Microsoft Word installed. You need also install Python for Windows extensions from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/ Go to files and download the file for your Python version (most likely 2.7).

import win32com.client
wordapp.Documents.Open("prova.doc") #change this document by yours
#we will open this doc with word and save it as txt

Unit 4 (part II). Introduction to NLTK

1.  Computing with Language: Simple Statistics

[from http://nltk.org/book/ch01.html]

Let’s return to our exploration of the ways we can bring our computational resources to bear on large quantities of text. We began this discussion in 1.1, and saw how to search for words in context, how to compile the vocabulary of a text, how to generate random text in the same style, and so on.

In this section we pick up the question of what makes a text distinct, and use automatic methods to find characteristic words and expressions of a text. As in 1.1, you can try new features of the Python language by copying them into the interpreter, and you’ll learn about these features systematically in the following section.

Before continuing further, you might like to check your understanding of the last section by predicting the output of the following code. You can use the interpreter to check whether you got it right. If you’re not sure how to do this task, it would be a good idea to review the previous section before continuing further.

>>> saying = ['After', 'all', 'is', 'said', 'and', 'done',
...           'more', 'is', 'said', 'than', 'done']
>>> tokens = set(saying)
>>> tokens = sorted(tokens)
>>> tokens[-2:]
what output do you expect here?

Frequency Distributions

How can we automatically identify the words of a text that are most informative about the topic and genre of the text? Imagine how you might go about finding the 50 most frequent words of a book. One method would be to keep a tally for each vocabulary item, like that shown in 1.3. The tally would need thousands of rows, and it would be an exceedingly laborious process — so laborious that we would rather assign the task to a machine.

../images/tally.pngFigure 1.3: Counting Words Appearing in a Text (a frequency distribution)

The table in 1.3 is known as a frequency distribution, and it tells us the frequency of each vocabulary item in the text. (In general, it could count any kind of observable event.) It is a “distribution” because it tells us how the total number of word tokens in the text are distributed across the vocabulary items. Since we often need frequency distributions in language processing, NLTK provides built-in support for them. Let’s use a FreqDist to find the 50 most frequent words of Moby Dick. Try to work out what is going on here, then read the explanation that follows.

>>> fdist1 = FreqDist(text1) [1]
>>> fdist1 [2]
<FreqDist with 260819 outcomes>
>>> vocabulary1 = fdist1.keys() [3]
>>> vocabulary1[:50] [4]
[',', 'the', '.', 'of', 'and', 'a', 'to', ';', 'in', 'that', "'", '-',
'his', 'it', 'I', 's', 'is', 'he', 'with', 'was', 'as', '"', 'all', 'for',
'this', '!', 'at', 'by', 'but', 'not', '--', 'him', 'from', 'be', 'on',
'so', 'whale', 'one', 'you', 'had', 'have', 'there', 'But', 'or', 'were',
'now', 'which', '?', 'me', 'like']
>>> fdist1['whale']

When we first invoke FreqDist, we pass the name of the text as an argument [1]. We can inspect the total number of words (“outcomes”) that have been counted up [2] — 260,819 in the case of Moby Dick. The expression keys() gives us a list of all the distinct types in the text [3], and we can look at the first 50 of these by slicing the list [4].


Your Turn: Try the preceding frequency distribution example for yourself, for text2. Be careful to use the correct parentheses and uppercase letters. If you get an error message NameError: name 'FreqDist' is not defined, you need to start your work with fromnltk.book import *

Do any words produced in the last example help us grasp the topic or genre of this text? Only one word, whale, is slightly informative! It occurs over 900 times. The rest of the words tell us nothing about the text; they’re just English “plumbing.” What proportion of the text is taken up with such words? We can generate a cumulative frequency plot for these words, using fdist1.plot(50, cumulative=True), to produce the graph in 1.4. These 50 words account for nearly half the book!

../images/fdist-moby.pngFigure 1.4: Cumulative Frequency Plot for 50 Most Frequently Words in Moby Dick: these account for nearly half of the tokens.

If the frequent words don’t help us, how about the words that occur once only, the so-called hapaxes? View them by typing fdist1.hapaxes(). This list contains lexicographer, cetological, contraband,expostulations, and about 9,000 others. It seems that there are too many rare words, and without seeing the context we probably can’t guess what half of the hapaxes mean in any case! Since neither frequent nor infrequent words help, we need to try something else.

Fine-grained Selection of Words

Next, let’s look at the long words of a text; perhaps these will be more characteristic and informative. For this we adapt some notation from set theory. We would like to find the words from the vocabulary of the text that are more than 15 characters long. Let’s call this property P, so that P(w) is true if and only if w is more than 15 characters long. Now we can express the words of interest using mathematical set notation as shown in (1a). This means “the set of all w such that w is an element of V (the vocabulary) and w has property P”.

a. {w | w ∈ V & P(w)}
b. [w for w in V if p(w)]

The corresponding Python expression is given in (1b). (Note that it produces a list, not a set, which means that duplicates are possible.) Observe how similar the two notations are. Let’s go one more step and write executable Python code:

>>> V = set(text1)
>>> long_words = [w for w in V if len(w) > 15]
>>> sorted(long_words)
['CIRCUMNAVIGATION', 'Physiognomically', 'apprehensiveness', 'cannibalistically',
'characteristically', 'circumnavigating', 'circumnavigation', 'circumnavigations',
'comprehensiveness', 'hermaphroditical', 'indiscriminately', 'indispensableness',
'irresistibleness', 'physiognomically', 'preternaturalness', 'responsibilities',
'simultaneousness', 'subterraneousness', 'supernaturalness', 'superstitiousness',
'uncomfortableness', 'uncompromisedness', 'undiscriminating', 'uninterpenetratingly']

For each word w in the vocabulary V, we check whether len(w) is greater than 15; all other words will be ignored. We will discuss this syntax more carefully later.


Your Turn: Try out the previous statements in the Python interpreter, and experiment with changing the text and changing the length condition. Does it make an difference to your results if you change the variable names, e.g., using [word for word in vocab if...]?

Let’s return to our task of finding words that characterize a text. Notice that the long words in text4 reflect its national focus — constitutionally, transcontinental — whereas those in text5 reflect its informal content: boooooooooooglyyyyyy and yuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm. Have we succeeded in automatically extracting words that typify a text? Well, these very long words are often hapaxes (i.e., unique) and perhaps it would be better to find frequently occurring long words. This seems promising since it eliminates frequent short words (e.g., the) and infrequent long words (e.g.antiphilosophists). Here are all words from the chat corpus that are longer than seven characters, that occur more than seven times:

>>> fdist5 = FreqDist(text5)
>>> sorted([w for w in set(text5) if len(w) > 7 and fdist5[w] > 7])
['#14-19teens', '#talkcity_adults', '((((((((((', '........', 'Question',
'actually', 'anything', 'computer', 'cute.-ass', 'everyone', 'football',
'innocent', 'listening', 'remember', 'seriously', 'something', 'together',
'tomorrow', 'watching']

Notice how we have used two conditions: len(w) > 7 ensures that the words are longer than seven letters, and fdist5[w] > 7 ensures that these words occur more than seven times. At last we have managed to automatically identify the frequently-occurring content-bearing words of the text. It is a modest but important milestone: a tiny piece of code, processing tens of thousands of words, produces some informative output.

Collocations and Bigrams

collocation is a sequence of words that occur together unusually often. Thus red wine is a collocation, whereas the wine is not. A characteristic of collocations is that they are resistant to substitution with words that have similar senses; for example, maroon wine sounds definitely odd.

To get a handle on collocations, we start off by extracting from a text a list of word pairs, also known as bigrams. This is easily accomplished with the function bigrams():

>>> bigrams(['more', 'is', 'said', 'than', 'done'])
[('more', 'is'), ('is', 'said'), ('said', 'than'), ('than', 'done')]

Here we see that the pair of words than-done is a bigram, and we write it in Python as ('than', 'done'). Now, collocations are essentially just frequent bigrams, except that we want to pay more attention to the cases that involve rare words. In particular, we want to find bigrams that occur more often than we would expect based on the frequency of individual words. The collocations() function does this for us (we will see how it works later):

>>> text4.collocations()
Building collocations list
United States; fellow citizens; years ago; Federal Government; General
Government; American people; Vice President; Almighty God; Fellow
citizens; Chief Magistrate; Chief Justice; God bless; Indian tribes;
public debt; foreign nations; political parties; State governments;
National Government; United Nations; public money
>>> text8.collocations()
Building collocations list
medium build; social drinker; quiet nights; long term; age open;
financially secure; fun times; similar interests; Age open; poss
rship; single mum; permanent relationship; slim build; seeks lady;
Late 30s; Photo pls; Vibrant personality; European background; ASIAN
LADY; country drives

The collocations that emerge are very specific to the genre of the texts. In order to find red wine as a collocation, we would need to process a much larger body of text.

Counting Other Things

Counting words is useful, but we can count other things too. For example, we can look at the distribution of word lengths in a text, by creating a FreqDist out of a long list of numbers, where each number is the length of the corresponding word in the text:

>>> [len(w) for w in text1] [1]
[1, 4, 4, 2, 6, 8, 4, 1, 9, 1, 1, 8, 2, 1, 4, 11, 5, 2, 1, 7, 6, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, ...]
>>> fdist = FreqDist([len(w) for w in text1])  [2]
>>> fdist  [3]
<FreqDist with 260819 outcomes>
>>> fdist.keys()
[3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20]

We start by deriving a list of the lengths of words in text1 [1], and the FreqDist then counts the number of times each of these occurs [2]. The result [3] is a distribution containing a quarter of a million items, each of which is a number corresponding to a word token in the text. But there are only 20 distinct items being counted, the numbers 1 through 20, because there are only 20 different word lengths. I.e., there are words consisting of just one character, two characters, …, twenty characters, but none with twenty one or more characters. One might wonder how frequent the different lengths of word are (e.g., how many words of length four appear in the text, are there more words of length five than length four, etc). We can do this as follows:

>>> fdist.items()
[(3, 50223), (1, 47933), (4, 42345), (2, 38513), (5, 26597), (6, 17111), (7, 14399),
(8, 9966), (9, 6428), (10, 3528), (11, 1873), (12, 1053), (13, 567), (14, 177),
(15, 70), (16, 22), (17, 12), (18, 1), (20, 1)]
>>> fdist.max()
>>> fdist[3]
>>> fdist.freq(3)

From this we see that the most frequent word length is 3, and that words of length 3 account for roughly 50,000 (or 20%) of the words making up the book. Although we will not pursue it here, further analysis of word length might help us understand differences between authors, genres, or languages.

1.2 summarizes the functions defined in frequency distributions.

Table 1.2:

Functions Defined for NLTK’s Frequency Distributions


Example Description
fdist = FreqDist(samples) create a frequency distribution containing the given samples
fdist.inc(sample) increment the count for this sample
fdist['monstrous'] count of the number of times a given sample occurred
fdist.freq('monstrous') frequency of a given sample
fdist.N() total number of samples
fdist.keys() the samples sorted in order of decreasing frequency
for sample in fdist: iterate over the samples, in order of decreasing frequency
fdist.max() sample with the greatest count
fdist.tabulate() tabulate the frequency distribution
fdist.plot() graphical plot of the frequency distribution
fdist.plot(cumulative=True) cumulative plot of the frequency distribution
fdist1 < fdist2 test if samples in fdist1 occur less frequently than in fdist2

Our discussion of frequency distributions has introduced some important Python concepts, and we will look at them systematically in 1.4.

Unit 4 (part I). Introduction to NLTK

1. What’s NLTK

[from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Language_Toolkit}

The Natural Language Toolkit, or more commonly NLTK, is a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for the Python programming language. NLTK includes graphical demonstrations and sample data. It is accompanied by a book that explains the underlying concepts behind the language processing tasks supported by the toolkit,[3] plus a cookbook.[4]

NLTK is intended to support research and teaching in NLP or closely related areas, including empirical linguisticscognitive science,artificial intelligenceinformation retrieval, and machine learning.[5] NLTK has been used successfully as a teaching tool, as an individual study tool, and as a platform for prototyping and building research systems.

There is a complete book on NLTK freely available at: http://nltk.org/book/

2. Installing NLTK

[from http://nltk.org/install.html]

NLTK requires Python versions 2.6-2.7. (A version supporting Python 3 is available at http://nltk.org/nltk3-alpha/).


  1. Install Setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
  2. Install Pip: run sudo easy_install pip
  3. Install Numpy (optional): run sudo pip install -U numpy
  4. Install PyYAML and NLTK: run sudo pip install -U pyyaml nltk
  5. Test installation: run python then type import nltk


These instructions assume that you do not already have Python installed on your machine. If you do, you can skip to the final step and just install NLTK.

32-bit binary installation

  1. Install Python: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.3/ (avoid the 64-bit versions)
  2. Install Numpy (optional):http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/1.6.2/numpy-1.6.2-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe
  3. Install NLTK: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nltk
  4. Install PyYAML: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML
  5. Test installation: Start>Python27, then type import nltk

Source installation (for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows)

  1. Install Python: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.3/
  2. Install Numpy (optional): http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy
  3. Install Setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe
  4. Install Pip: Start>Run... c:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install pip
  5. Install PyYAML and NLTK: Start>Run... c:\Python27\Scripts\pip install pyyaml nltk
  6. Test installation: Start>All Programs>Python27>IDLE, then type import nltk

3. Installing NLTK data

[from http://nltk.org/data.html]

NLTK comes with many corpora, toy grammars, trained models, etc. A complete list is posted at: http://nltk.org/nltk_data/

To install the data, first install NLTK (see http://nltk.org/install.html), then use NLTK’s data downloader as described below.

Apart from individual data packages, you can download the entire collection (using “all”), or just the data required for the examples and exercises in the book (using “book”), or just the corpora and no grammars or trained models (using “all-corpora”).

Interactive installer

For central installation on a multi-user machine, do the following from an administrator account.

Run the Python interpreter and type the commands:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download()

A new window should open, showing the NLTK Downloader. Click on the File menu and select Change Download Directory. For central installation, set this to C:\nltk_data(Windows), or /usr/share/nltk_data (Mac, Unix). Next, select the packages or collections you want to download.

If you did not install the data to one of the above central locations, you will need to set theNLTK_DATA environment variable to specify the location of the data. (On a Windows machine, right click on “My Computer” then select Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables > UserVariables > New...)

Test that the data has been installed as follows. (This assumes you downloaded the Brown Corpus):

>>> from nltk.corpus import brown
>>> brown.words()
['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', ...]

Installing via a proxy web server

If your web connection uses a proxy server, you should specify the proxy address as follows. In the case of an authenticating proxy, specify a username and password. If the proxy is set to None then this function will attempt to detect the system proxy.

>>> nltk.set_proxy('http://proxy.example.com:3128', ('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD'))
>>> nltk.download()

Command line installation

The downloader will search for an existing nltk_data directory to install NLTK data. If one does not exist it will attempt to create one in a central location (when using an administrator account) or otherwise in the user’s filespace. If necessary, run the download command from an administrator account, or using sudo. The default system location on Windows is C:\nltk_data; and on Mac and Unix is /usr/share/nltk_data. You can use the -dflag to specify a different location (but if you do this, be sure to set the NLTK_DATAenvironment variable accordingly).

Python 2.5-2.7: Run the command python -m nltk.downloader all. To ensure central installation, run the command sudo python -m nltk.downloader -d /usr/share/nltk_data all.

Windows: Use the “Run…” option on the Start menu. Windows Vista users need to first turn on this option, using Start -> Properties -> Customize to check the box to activate the “Run…” option.

Test the installation: Check that the user environment and privileges are set correctly by logging in to a user account, starting the Python interpreter, and accessing the Brown Corpus (see the previous section).

4. Getting Started with NLTK

[from http://nltk.org/book/ch01.html]

Once the data is downloaded to your machine, you can load some of it using the Python interpreter. The first step is to type a special command at the Python prompt which tells the interpreter to load some texts for us to explore: from nltk.book import *. This says “from NLTK’s book module, load all items.” The book module contains all the data you will need as you read this chapter. After printing a welcome message, it loads the text of several books (this will take a few seconds). Here’s the command again, together with the output that you will see. Take care to get spelling and punctuation right, and remember that you don’t type the >>>.

>>> from nltk.book import *
*** Introductory Examples for the NLTK Book ***
Loading text1, ..., text9 and sent1, ..., sent9
Type the name of the text or sentence to view it.
Type: 'texts()' or 'sents()' to list the materials.
text1: Moby Dick by Herman Melville 1851
text2: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen 1811
text3: The Book of Genesis
text4: Inaugural Address Corpus
text5: Chat Corpus
text6: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
text7: Wall Street Journal
text8: Personals Corpus
text9: The Man Who Was Thursday by G . K . Chesterton 1908

Any time we want to find out about these texts, we just have to enter their names at the Python prompt:

>>> text1
<Text: Moby Dick by Herman Melville 1851>
>>> text2
<Text: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen 1811>

Now that we can use the Python interpreter, and have some data to work with, we’re ready to get started.

Searching Text

There are many ways to examine the context of a text apart from simply reading it. A concordance view shows us every occurrence of a given word, together with some context. Here we look up the wordmonstrous in Moby Dick by entering text1 followed by a period, then the term concordance, and then placing "monstrous" in parentheses:

>>> text1.concordance("monstrous")
Building index...
Displaying 11 of 11 matches:
ong the former , one was of a most monstrous size . ... This came towards us ,
ON OF THE PSALMS . " Touching that monstrous bulk of the whale or ork we have r
ll over with a heathenish array of monstrous clubs and spears . Some were thick
d as you gazed , and wondered what monstrous cannibal and savage could ever hav
that has survived the flood ; most monstrous and most mountainous ! That Himmal
they might scout at Moby Dick as a monstrous fable , or still worse and more de
th of Radney .'" CHAPTER 55 Of the monstrous Pictures of Whales . I shall ere l
ing Scenes . In connexion with the monstrous pictures of whales , I am strongly
ere to enter upon those still more monstrous stories of them which are to be fo
ght have been rummaged out of this monstrous cabinet there is no telling . But
of Whale - Bones ; for Whales of a monstrous size are oftentimes cast up dead u


Your Turn: Try searching for other words; to save re-typing, you might be able to use up-arrow, Ctrl-up-arrow or Alt-p to access the previous command and modify the word being searched. You can also try searches on some of the other texts we have included. For example, search Sense and Sensibility for the word affection, using text2.concordance("affection"). Search the book of Genesis to find out how long some people lived, using text3.concordance("lived"). You could look at text4, the Inaugural Address Corpus, to see examples of English going back to 1789, and search for words like nation, terror, god to see how these words have been used differently over time. We’ve also included text5, the NPS Chat Corpus: search this for unconventional words like im, ur, lol. (Note that this corpus is uncensored!)

Once you’ve spent a little while examining these texts, we hope you have a new sense of the richness and diversity of language. In the next chapter you will learn how to access a broader range of text, including text in languages other than English.

A concordance permits us to see words in context. For example, we saw that monstrous occurred in contexts such as the ___ pictures and the ___ size . What other words appear in a similar range of contexts? We can find out by appending the term similar to the name of the text in question, then inserting the relevant word in parentheses:

>>> text1.similar("monstrous")
Building word-context index...
subtly impalpable pitiable curious imperial perilous trustworthy
abundant untoward singular lamentable few maddens horrible loving lazy
mystifying christian exasperate puzzled
>>> text2.similar("monstrous")
Building word-context index...
very exceedingly so heartily a great good amazingly as sweet
remarkably extremely vast

Observe that we get different results for different texts. Austen uses this word quite differently from Melville; for her, monstrous has positive connotations, and sometimes functions as an intensifier like the word very.

The term common_contexts allows us to examine just the contexts that are shared by two or more words, such as monstrous and very. We have to enclose these words by square brackets as well as parentheses, and separate them with a comma:

>>> text2.common_contexts(["monstrous", "very"])
be_glad am_glad a_pretty is_pretty a_lucky


Your Turn: Pick another pair of words and compare their usage in two different texts, using the similar() and common_contexts()functions.

It is one thing to automatically detect that a particular word occurs in a text, and to display some words that appear in the same context. However, we can also determine the location of a word in the text: how many words from the beginning it appears. This positional information can be displayed using a dispersion plot. Each stripe represents an instance of a word, and each row represents the entire text. In1.2 we see some striking patterns of word usage over the last 220 years (in an artificial text constructed by joining the texts of the Inaugural Address Corpus end-to-end). You can produce this plot as shown below. You might like to try more words (e.g., liberty, constitution), and different texts. Can you predict the dispersion of a word before you view it? As before, take care to get the quotes, commas, brackets and parentheses exactly right.

>>> text4.dispersion_plot(["citizens", "democracy", "freedom", "duties", "America"])
../images/inaugural.pngFigure 1.2: Lexical Dispersion Plot for Words in U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses: This can be used to investigate changes in language use over time.


Important: You need to have Python’s NumPy and Matplotlib packages installed in order to produce the graphical plots used in this book. Please see http://www.nltk.org/ for installation instructions.

Now, just for fun, let’s try generating some random text in the various styles we have just seen. To do this, we type the name of the text followed by the term generate. (We need to include the parentheses, but there’s nothing that goes between them.)

>>> text3.generate()
In the beginning of his brother is a hairy man , whose top may reach
unto heaven ; and ye shall sow the land of Egypt there was no bread in
all that he was taken out of the month , upon the earth . So shall thy
wages be ? And they made their father ; and Isaac was old , and kissed
him : and Laban with his cattle in the midst of the hands of Esau thy
first born , and Phichol the chief butler unto his son Isaac , she

Note that the first time you run this command, it is slow because it gathers statistics about word sequences. Each time you run it, you will get different output text. Now try generating random text in the style of an inaugural address or an Internet chat room. Although the text is random, it re-uses common words and phrases from the source text and gives us a sense of its style and content. (What is lacking in this randomly generated text?)


When generate produces its output, punctuation is split off from the preceding word. While this is not correct formatting for English text, we do it to make clear that words and punctuation are independent of one another. You will learn more about this in 3.

Counting Vocabulary

The most obvious fact about texts that emerges from the preceding examples is that they differ in the vocabulary they use. In this section we will see how to use the computer to count the words in a text in a variety of useful ways. As before, you will jump right in and experiment with the Python interpreter, even though you may not have studied Python systematically yet. Test your understanding by modifying the examples, and trying the exercises at the end of the chapter.

Let’s begin by finding out the length of a text from start to finish, in terms of the words and punctuation symbols that appear. We use the term len to get the length of something, which we’ll apply here to the book of Genesis:

>>> len(text3)

So Genesis has 44,764 words and punctuation symbols, or “tokens.” A token is the technical name for a sequence of characters — such as hairyhis, or 🙂 — that we want to treat as a group. When we count the number of tokens in a text, say, the phrase to be or not to be, we are counting occurrences of these sequences. Thus, in our example phrase there are two occurrences of to, two of be, and one each of or and not. But there are only four distinct vocabulary items in this phrase. How many distinct words does the book of Genesis contain? To work this out in Python, we have to pose the question slightly differently. The vocabulary of a text is just the set of tokens that it uses, since in a set, all duplicates are collapsed together. In Python we can obtain the vocabulary items of text3 with the command:set(text3). When you do this, many screens of words will fly past. Now try the following:

>>> sorted(set(text3)) [1]
['!', "'", '(', ')', ',', ',)', '.', '.)', ':', ';', ';)', '?', '?)',
'A', 'Abel', 'Abelmizraim', 'Abidah', 'Abide', 'Abimael', 'Abimelech',
'Abr', 'Abrah', 'Abraham', 'Abram', 'Accad', 'Achbor', 'Adah', ...]
>>> len(set(text3)) [2]

By wrapping sorted() around the Python expression set(text3) [1], we obtain a sorted list of vocabulary items, beginning with various punctuation symbols and continuing with words starting with A. All capitalized words precede lowercase words. We discover the size of the vocabulary indirectly, by asking for the number of items in the set, and again we can use len to obtain this number [2]. Although it has 44,764 tokens, this book has only 2,789 distinct words, or “word types.” A word type is the form or spelling of the word independently of its specific occurrences in a text — that is, the word considered as a unique item of vocabulary. Our count of 2,789 items will include punctuation symbols, so we will generally call these unique items types instead of word types.

Now, let’s calculate a measure of the lexical richness of the text. The next example shows us that each word is used 16 times on average (we need to make sure Python uses floating point division):

>>> from __future__ import division
>>> len(text3) / len(set(text3))

Next, let’s focus on particular words. We can count how often a word occurs in a text, and compute what percentage of the text is taken up by a specific word:

>>> text3.count("smote")
>>> 100 * text4.count('a') / len(text4)


Your Turn: How many times does the word lol appear in text5? How much is this as a percentage of the total number of words in this text?

You may want to repeat such calculations on several texts, but it is tedious to keep retyping the formula. Instead, you can come up with your own name for a task, like “lexical_diversity” or “percentage”, and associate it with a block of code. Now you only have to type a short name instead of one or more complete lines of Python code, and you can re-use it as often as we like. The block of code that does a task for us is called a function, and we define a short name for our function with the keyword def. The next example shows how to define two new functions, lexical_diversity() and percentage():

>>> def lexical_diversity(text): [1]
...     return len(text) / len(set(text)) [2]
>>> def percentage(count, total): [3]
...     return 100 * count / total
Caution!The Python interpreter changes the prompt from >>> to ... after encountering the colon at the end of the first line. The ... prompt indicates that Python expects an indented code block to appear next. It is up to you to do the indentation, by typing four spaces or hitting the tab key. To finish the indented block just enter a blank line.

In the definition of lexical_diversity() [1], we specify a parameter labeled text . This parameter is a “placeholder” for the actual text whose lexical diversity we want to compute, and reoccurs in the block of code that will run when the function is used [2]. Similarly, percentage() is defined to take two parameters, labeled count and total [3].

Once Python knows that lexical_diversity() and percentage() are the names for specific blocks of code, we can go ahead and use these functions:

>>> lexical_diversity(text3)
>>> lexical_diversity(text5)
>>> percentage(4, 5)
>>> percentage(text4.count('a'), len(text4))

To recap, we use or call a function such as lexical_diversity() by typing its name, followed by an open parenthesis, the name of the text, and then a close parenthesis. These parentheses will show up often; their role is to separate the name of a task — such as lexical_diversity() — from the data that the task is to be performed on — such as text3. The data value that we place in the parentheses when we call a function is an argument to the function.

You have already encountered several functions in this chapter, such as len()set(), and sorted(). By convention, we will always add an empty pair of parentheses after a function name, as in len(), just to make clear that what we are talking about is a function rather than some other kind of Python expression. Functions are an important concept in programming, and we only mention them at the outset to give newcomers a sense of the power and creativity of programming. Don’t worry if you find it a bit confusing right now.

Later we’ll see how to use functions when tabulating data, as in 1.1. Each row of the table will involve the same computation but with different data, and we’ll do this repetitive work using a function.

Table 1.1:

Lexical Diversity of Various Genres in the Brown Corpus

Genre Tokens Types Lexical diversity
skill and hobbies 82345 11935 6.9
humor 21695 5017 4.3
fiction: science 14470 3233 4.5
press: reportage 100554 14394 7.0
fiction: romance 70022 8452 8.3
religion 39399 6373 6.2

Unit 3. Python Basics III (part two) Functions and modules

[from http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/controlflow.html#defining-functions%5D

1. Functions

We can create a function that writes the Fibonacci series to an arbitrary boundary:


>>> def fib(n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
...     """Print a Fibonacci series up to n."""
...     a, b = 0, 1
...     while a < n:
...         print a,
...         a, b = b, a+b
>>> # Now call the function we just defined:
... fib(2000)
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597

The keyword def introduces a function definition. It must be followed by the function name and the parenthesized list of formal parameters. The statements that form the body of the function start at the next line, and must be indented.

The first statement of the function body can optionally be a string literal; this string literal is the function’s documentation string, or docstring. (More about docstrings can be found in the section Documentation Strings.) There are tools which use docstrings to automatically produce online or printed documentation, or to let the user interactively browse through code; it’s good practice to include docstrings in code that you write, so make a habit of it.

The execution of a function introduces a new symbol table used for the local variables of the function. More precisely, all variable assignments in a function store the value in the local symbol table; whereas variable references first look in the local symbol table, then in the local symbol tables of enclosing functions, then in the global symbol table, and finally in the table of built-in names. Thus, global variables cannot be directly assigned a value within a function (unless named in a global statement), although they may be referenced.

The actual parameters (arguments) to a function call are introduced in the local symbol table of the called function when it is called; thus, arguments are passed using call by value (where the value is always an object reference, not the value of the object). [1] When a function calls another function, a new local symbol table is created for that call.

A function definition introduces the function name in the current symbol table. The value of the function name has a type that is recognized by the interpreter as a user-defined function. This value can be assigned to another name which can then also be used as a function. This serves as a general renaming mechanism:


>>> fib
<function fib at 10042ed0>
>>> f = fib
>>> f(100)
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

Coming from other languages, you might object that fib is not a function but a procedure since it doesn’t return a value. In fact, even functions without a return statement do return a value, albeit a rather boring one. This value is called None (it’s a built-in name). Writing the value None is normally suppressed by the interpreter if it would be the only value written. You can see it if you really want to using print:


>>> fib(0)
>>> print fib(0)

It is simple to write a function that returns a list of the numbers of the Fibonacci series, instead of printing it:


>>> def fib2(n): # return Fibonacci series up to n
...     """Return a list containing the Fibonacci series up to n."""
...     result = []
...     a, b = 0, 1
...     while a < n:
...         result.append(a)    # see below
...         a, b = b, a+b
...     return result
>>> f100 = fib2(100)    # call it
>>> f100                # write the result
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]

This example, as usual, demonstrates some new Python features:

  • The return statement returns with a value from a function. return without an expression argument returns None. Falling off the end of a function also returns None.
  • The statement result.append(a) calls a method of the list object result. A method is a function that ‘belongs’ to an object and is namedobj.methodname, where obj is some object (this may be an expression), and methodname is the name of a method that is defined by the object’s type. Different types define different methods. Methods of different types may have the same name without causing ambiguity. (It is possible to define your own object types and methods, using classes, see Classes) The method append() shown in the example is defined for list objects; it adds a new element at the end of the list. In this example it is equivalent to result = result + [a], but more efficient.

2. More on Defining Functions

It is also possible to define functions with a variable number of arguments. There are three forms, which can be combined.

2.1. Default Argument Values

The most useful form is to specify a default value for one or more arguments. This creates a function that can be called with fewer arguments than it is defined to allow. For example:

def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint='Yes or no, please!'):
    while True:
        ok = raw_input(prompt)
        if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'):
            return True
        if ok in ('n', 'no', 'nop', 'nope'):
            return False
        retries = retries - 1
        if retries < 0:
            raise IOError('refusenik user')
        print complaint

This function can be called in several ways:

  • giving only the mandatory argument: ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?')
  • giving one of the optional arguments: ask_ok('OK to overwrite the file?', 2)
  • or even giving all arguments: ask_ok('OK to overwrite the file?', 2, 'Come on, only yes or no!')

This example also introduces the in keyword. This tests whether or not a sequence contains a certain value.

The default values are evaluated at the point of function definition in the defining scope, so that

i = 5

def f(arg=i):
    print arg

i = 6

will print 5.

Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list, dictionary, or instances of most classes. For example, the following function accumulates the arguments passed to it on subsequent calls:

def f(a, L=[]):
    return L

print f(1)
print f(2)
print f(3)

This will print

[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]

If you don’t want the default to be shared between subsequent calls, you can write the function like this instead:

def f(a, L=None):
    if L is None:
        L = []
    return L

2.2. Keyword Arguments

Functions can also be called using keyword arguments of the form kwarg=value. For instance, the following function:

def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', action='voom', type='Norwegian Blue'):
    print "-- This parrot wouldn't", action,
    print "if you put", voltage, "volts through it."
    print "-- Lovely plumage, the", type
    print "-- It's", state, "!"

accepts one required argument (voltage) and three optional arguments (stateaction, and type). This function can be called in any of the following ways:

parrot(1000)                                          # 1 positional argument
parrot(voltage=1000)                                  # 1 keyword argument
parrot(voltage=1000000, action='VOOOOOM')             # 2 keyword arguments
parrot(action='VOOOOOM', voltage=1000000)             # 2 keyword arguments
parrot('a million', 'bereft of life', 'jump')         # 3 positional arguments
parrot('a thousand', state='pushing up the daisies')  # 1 positional, 1 keyword

but all the following calls would be invalid:

parrot()                     # required argument missing
parrot(voltage=5.0, 'dead')  # non-keyword argument after a keyword argument
parrot(110, voltage=220)     # duplicate value for the same argument
parrot(actor='John Cleese')  # unknown keyword argument

In a function call, keyword arguments must follow positional arguments. All the keyword arguments passed must match one of the arguments accepted by the function (e.g. actor is not a valid argument for the parrot function), and their order is not important. This also includes non-optional arguments (e.g. parrot(voltage=1000) is valid too). No argument may receive a value more than once. Here’s an example that fails due to this restriction:


>>> def function(a):
...     pass
>>> function(0, a=0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: function() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a'

When a final formal parameter of the form **name is present, it receives a dictionary (see Mapping Types — dict) containing all keyword arguments except for those corresponding to a formal parameter. This may be combined with a formal parameter of the form *name (described in the next subsection) which receives a tuple containing the positional arguments beyond the formal parameter list. (*name must occur before**name.) For example, if we define a function like this:

def cheeseshop(kind, *arguments, **keywords):
    print "-- Do you have any", kind, "?"
    print "-- I'm sorry, we're all out of", kind
    for arg in arguments:
        print arg
    print "-" * 40
    keys = sorted(keywords.keys())
    for kw in keys:
        print kw, ":", keywords[kw]

It could be called like this:

cheeseshop("Limburger", "It's very runny, sir.",
           "It's really very, VERY runny, sir.",
           shopkeeper='Michael Palin',
           client="John Cleese",
           sketch="Cheese Shop Sketch")

and of course it would print:

-- Do you have any Limburger ?
-- I'm sorry, we're all out of Limburger
It's very runny, sir.
It's really very, VERY runny, sir.
client : John Cleese
shopkeeper : Michael Palin
sketch : Cheese Shop Sketch

Note that the list of keyword argument names is created by sorting the result of the keywords dictionary’s keys() method before printing its contents; if this is not done, the order in which the arguments are printed is undefined.

2.3. Arbitrary Argument Lists

Finally, the least frequently used option is to specify that a function can be called with an arbitrary number of arguments. These arguments will be wrapped up in a tuple (see Tuples and Sequences). Before the variable number of arguments, zero or more normal arguments may occur.

def write_multiple_items(file, separator, *args):

2.4. Unpacking Argument Lists

The reverse situation occurs when the arguments are already in a list or tuple but need to be unpacked for a function call requiring separate positional arguments. For instance, the built-in range() function expects separate start and stop arguments. If they are not available separately, write the function call with the *-operator to unpack the arguments out of a list or tuple:


>>> range(3, 6)             # normal call with separate arguments
[3, 4, 5]
>>> args = [3, 6]
>>> range(*args)            # call with arguments unpacked from a list
[3, 4, 5]

In the same fashion, dictionaries can deliver keyword arguments with the **-operator:


>>> def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', action='voom'):
...     print "-- This parrot wouldn't", action,
...     print "if you put", voltage, "volts through it.",
...     print "E's", state, "!"
>>> d = {"voltage": "four million", "state": "bleedin' demised", "action": "VOOM"}
>>> parrot(**d)
-- This parrot wouldn't VOOM if you put four million volts through it. E's bleedin' demised !

2.5. Lambda Expressions

Small anonymous functions can be created with the lambda keyword. This function returns the sum of its two arguments: lambda a, b: a+b. Lambda functions can be used wherever function objects are required. They are syntactically restricted to a single expression. Semantically, they are just syntactic sugar for a normal function definition. Like nested function definitions, lambda functions can reference variables from the containing scope:


>>> def make_incrementor(n):
...     return lambda x: x + n
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(1)

The above example uses a lambda expression to return a function. Another use is to pass a small function as an argument:


>>> pairs = [(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (4, 'four')]
>>> pairs.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1])
>>> pairs
[(4, 'four'), (1, 'one'), (3, 'three'), (2, 'two')]

2.6. Documentation Strings

There are emerging conventions about the content and formatting of documentation strings.

The first line should always be a short, concise summary of the object’s purpose. For brevity, it should not explicitly state the object’s name or type, since these are available by other means (except if the name happens to be a verb describing a function’s operation). This line should begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

If there are more lines in the documentation string, the second line should be blank, visually separating the summary from the rest of the description. The following lines should be one or more paragraphs describing the object’s calling conventions, its side effects, etc.

The Python parser does not strip indentation from multi-line string literals in Python, so tools that process documentation have to strip indentation if desired. This is done using the following convention. The first non-blank line after the first line of the string determines the amount of indentation for the entire documentation string. (We can’t use the first line since it is generally adjacent to the string’s opening quotes so its indentation is not apparent in the string literal.) Whitespace “equivalent” to this indentation is then stripped from the start of all lines of the string. Lines that are indented less should not occur, but if they occur all their leading whitespace should be stripped. Equivalence of whitespace should be tested after expansion of tabs (to 8 spaces, normally).

Here is an example of a multi-line docstring:


>>> def my_function():
...     """Do nothing, but document it.
...     No, really, it doesn't do anything.
...     """
...     pass
>>> print my_function.__doc__
Do nothing, but document it.

    No, really, it doesn't do anything.

3. Modules

[from http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html]

If you quit from the Python interpreter and enter it again, the definitions you have made (functions and variables) are lost. Therefore, if you want to write a somewhat longer program, you are better off using a text editor to prepare the input for the interpreter and running it with that file as input instead. This is known as creating a script. As your program gets longer, you may want to split it into several files for easier maintenance. You may also want to use a handy function that you’ve written in several programs without copying its definition into each program.

To support this, Python has a way to put definitions in a file and use them in a script or in an interactive instance of the interpreter. Such a file is called a module; definitions from a module can be imported into other modules or into the main module (the collection of variables that you have access to in a script executed at the top level and in calculator mode).

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended. Within a module, the module’s name (as a string) is available as the value of the global variable __name__. For instance, use your favorite text editor to create a file called fibo.py in the current directory with the following contents:

# Fibonacci numbers module

def fib(n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
    a, b = 0, 1
    while b < n:
        print b,
        a, b = b, a+b

def fib2(n): # return Fibonacci series up to n
    result = []
    a, b = 0, 1
    while b < n:
        a, b = b, a+b
    return result

Now enter the Python interpreter and import this module with the following command:


>>> import fibo

This does not enter the names of the functions defined in fibo directly in the current symbol table; it only enters the module name fibo there. Using the module name you can access the functions:


>>> fibo.fib(1000)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987
>>> fibo.fib2(100)
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
>>> fibo.__name__

If you intend to use a function often you can assign it to a local name:


>>> fib = fibo.fib
>>> fib(500)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

4. More on Modules

A module can contain executable statements as well as function definitions. These statements are intended to initialize the module. They are executed only the first time the module name is encountered in an import statement. [1] (They are also run if the file is executed as a script.)

Each module has its own private symbol table, which is used as the global symbol table by all functions defined in the module. Thus, the author of a module can use global variables in the module without worrying about accidental clashes with a user’s global variables. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing you can touch a module’s global variables with the same notation used to refer to its functions, modname.itemname.

Modules can import other modules. It is customary but not required to place all import statements at the beginning of a module (or script, for that matter). The imported module names are placed in the importing module’s global symbol table.

There is a variant of the import statement that imports names from a module directly into the importing module’s symbol table. For example:


>>> from fibo import fib, fib2
>>> fib(500)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

This does not introduce the module name from which the imports are taken in the local symbol table (so in the example, fibo is not defined).

There is even a variant to import all names that a module defines:


>>> from fibo import *
>>> fib(500)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

This imports all names except those beginning with an underscore (_).

Note that in general the practice of importing * from a module or package is frowned upon, since it often causes poorly readable code. However, it is okay to use it to save typing in interactive sessions.


For efficiency reasons, each module is only imported once per interpreter session. Therefore, if you change your modules, you must restart the interpreter – or, if it’s just one module you want to test interactively, use reload(), e.g. reload(modulename).

4.1. Executing modules as scripts

When you run a Python module with

python fibo.py <arguments>

the code in the module will be executed, just as if you imported it, but with the __name__ set to "__main__". That means that by adding this code at the end of your module:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

you can make the file usable as a script as well as an importable module, because the code that parses the command line only runs if the module is executed as the “main” file:

$ python fibo.py 50
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

If the module is imported, the code is not run:


>>> import fibo

This is often used either to provide a convenient user interface to a module, or for testing purposes (running the module as a script executes a test suite).

4.2. The Module Search Path

When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name. If not found, it then searches for a file named spam.py in a list of directories given by the variable sys.pathsys.path is initialized from these locations:

  • the directory containing the input script (or the current directory).
  • PYTHONPATH (a list of directory names, with the same syntax as the shell variable PATH).
  • the installation-dependent default.

After initialization, Python programs can modify sys.path. The directory containing the script being run is placed at the beginning of the search path, ahead of the standard library path. This means that scripts in that directory will be loaded instead of modules of the same name in the library directory. This is an error unless the replacement is intended. See section Standard Modules for more information.

4.3. “Compiled” Python files

As an important speed-up of the start-up time for short programs that use a lot of standard modules, if a file called spam.pyc exists in the directory where spam.py is found, this is assumed to contain an already-“byte-compiled” version of the module spam. The modification time of the version ofspam.py used to create spam.pyc is recorded in spam.pyc, and the .pyc file is ignored if these don’t match.

Normally, you don’t need to do anything to create the spam.pyc file. Whenever spam.py is successfully compiled, an attempt is made to write the compiled version to spam.pyc. It is not an error if this attempt fails; if for any reason the file is not written completely, the resulting spam.pyc file will be recognized as invalid and thus ignored later. The contents of the spam.pyc file are platform independent, so a Python module directory can be shared by machines of different architectures.

Some tips for experts:

  • When the Python interpreter is invoked with the -O flag, optimized code is generated and stored in .pyo files. The optimizer currently doesn’t help much; it only removes assert statements. When -O is used, all bytecode is optimized; .pyc files are ignored and .py files are compiled to optimized bytecode.
  • Passing two -O flags to the Python interpreter (-OO) will cause the bytecode compiler to perform optimizations that could in some rare cases result in malfunctioning programs. Currently only __doc__ strings are removed from the bytecode, resulting in more compact .pyofiles. Since some programs may rely on having these available, you should only use this option if you know what you’re doing.
  • A program doesn’t run any faster when it is read from a .pyc or .pyo file than when it is read from a .py file; the only thing that’s faster about.pyc or .pyo files is the speed with which they are loaded.
  • When a script is run by giving its name on the command line, the bytecode for the script is never written to a .pyc or .pyo file. Thus, the startup time of a script may be reduced by moving most of its code to a module and having a small bootstrap script that imports that module. It is also possible to name a .pyc or .pyo file directly on the command line.
  • It is possible to have a file called spam.pyc (or spam.pyo when -O is used) without a file spam.py for the same module. This can be used to distribute a library of Python code in a form that is moderately hard to reverse engineer.
  • The module compileall can create .pyc files (or .pyo files when -O is used) for all modules in a directory.

Unit 3. Python Basics (III) (part one) Regular expressions

[from http://docs.python.org/2/howto/regex.html]


The re module was added in Python 1.5, and provides Perl-style regular expression patterns. Earlier versions of Python came with the regexmodule, which provided Emacs-style patterns. The regex module was removed completely in Python 2.5.

Regular expressions (called REs, or regexes, or regex patterns) are essentially a tiny, highly specialized programming language embedded inside Python and made available through the re module. Using this little language, you specify the rules for the set of possible strings that you want to match; this set might contain English sentences, or e-mail addresses, or TeX commands, or anything you like. You can then ask questions such as “Does this string match the pattern?”, or “Is there a match for the pattern anywhere in this string?”. You can also use REs to modify a string or to split it apart in various ways.

Regular expression patterns are compiled into a series of bytecodes which are then executed by a matching engine written in C. For advanced use, it may be necessary to pay careful attention to how the engine will execute a given RE, and write the RE in a certain way in order to produce bytecode that runs faster. Optimization isn’t covered in this document, because it requires that you have a good understanding of the matching engine’s internals.

The regular expression language is relatively small and restricted, so not all possible string processing tasks can be done using regular expressions. There are also tasks that can be done with regular expressions, but the expressions turn out to be very complicated. In these cases, you may be better off writing Python code to do the processing; while Python code will be slower than an elaborate regular expression, it will also probably be more understandable.

Simple Patterns

We’ll start by learning about the simplest possible regular expressions. Since regular expressions are used to operate on strings, we’ll begin with the most common task: matching characters.

For a detailed explanation of the computer science underlying regular expressions (deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata), you can refer to almost any textbook on writing compilers.

Matching Characters

Most letters and characters will simply match themselves. For example, the regular expression test will match the string test exactly. (You can enable a case-insensitive mode that would let this RE match Test or TEST as well; more about this later.)

There are exceptions to this rule; some characters are special metacharacters, and don’t match themselves. Instead, they signal that some out-of-the-ordinary thing should be matched, or they affect other portions of the RE by repeating them or changing their meaning. Much of this document is devoted to discussing various metacharacters and what they do.

Here’s a complete list of the metacharacters; their meanings will be discussed in the rest of this HOWTO.

. ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( )

The first metacharacters we’ll look at are [ and ]. They’re used for specifying a character class, which is a set of characters that you wish to match. Characters can be listed individually, or a range of characters can be indicated by giving two characters and separating them by a '-'. For example, [abc] will match any of the characters ab, or c; this is the same as [a-c], which uses a range to express the same set of characters. If you wanted to match only lowercase letters, your RE would be [a-z].

Metacharacters are not active inside classes. For example, [akm$] will match any of the characters 'a''k''m', or '$''$' is usually a metacharacter, but inside a character class it’s stripped of its special nature.

You can match the characters not listed within the class by complementing the set. This is indicated by including a '^' as the first character of the class; '^' outside a character class will simply match the '^' character. For example, [^5] will match any character except '5'.

Perhaps the most important metacharacter is the backslash, \. As in Python string literals, the backslash can be followed by various characters to signal various special sequences. It’s also used to escape all the metacharacters so you can still match them in patterns; for example, if you need to match a [ or \, you can precede them with a backslash to remove their special meaning: \[ or \\.

Some of the special sequences beginning with '\' represent predefined sets of characters that are often useful, such as the set of digits, the set of letters, or the set of anything that isn’t whitespace. The following predefined special sequences are a subset of those available. The equivalent classes are for byte string patterns. For a complete list of sequences and expanded class definitions for Unicode string patterns, see the last part of Regular Expression Syntax.

Matches any decimal digit; this is equivalent to the class [0-9].
Matches any non-digit character; this is equivalent to the class [^0-9].
Matches any whitespace character; this is equivalent to the class [ \t\n\r\f\v].
Matches any non-whitespace character; this is equivalent to the class [^ \t\n\r\f\v].
Matches any alphanumeric character; this is equivalent to the class [a-zA-Z0-9_].
Matches any non-alphanumeric character; this is equivalent to the class [^a-zA-Z0-9_].

These sequences can be included inside a character class. For example, [\s,.] is a character class that will match any whitespace character, or ',' or '.'.

The final metacharacter in this section is .. It matches anything except a newline character, and there’s an alternate mode (re.DOTALL) where it will match even a newline. '.' is often used where you want to match “any character”.

Repeating Things

Being able to match varying sets of characters is the first thing regular expressions can do that isn’t already possible with the methods available on strings. However, if that was the only additional capability of regexes, they wouldn’t be much of an advance. Another capability is that you can specify that portions of the RE must be repeated a certain number of times.

The first metacharacter for repeating things that we’ll look at is ** doesn’t match the literal character *; instead, it specifies that the previous character can be matched zero or more times, instead of exactly once.

For example, ca*t will match ct (0 a characters), cat (1 a), caaat (3 a characters), and so forth. The RE engine has various internal limitations stemming from the size of C’s int type that will prevent it from matching over 2 billion a characters; you probably don’t have enough memory to construct a string that large, so you shouldn’t run into that limit.

Repetitions such as * are greedy; when repeating a RE, the matching engine will try to repeat it as many times as possible. If later portions of the pattern don’t match, the matching engine will then back up and try again with few repetitions.

A step-by-step example will make this more obvious. Let’s consider the expression a[bcd]*b. This matches the letter 'a', zero or more letters from the class [bcd], and finally ends with a 'b'. Now imagine matching this RE against the string abcbd.

Step Matched Explanation
1 a The a in the RE matches.
2 abcbd The engine matches [bcd]*, going as far as it can, which is to the end of the string.
3 Failure The engine tries to match b, but the current position is at the end of the string, so it fails.
4 abcb Back up, so that [bcd]* matches one less character.
5 Failure Try b again, but the current position is at the last character, which is a 'd'.
6 abc Back up again, so that [bcd]* is only matching bc.
6 abcb Try b again. This time the character at the current position is 'b', so it succeeds.

The end of the RE has now been reached, and it has matched abcb. This demonstrates how the matching engine goes as far as it can at first, and if no match is found it will then progressively back up and retry the rest of the RE again and again. It will back up until it has tried zero matches for [bcd]*, and if that subsequently fails, the engine will conclude that the string doesn’t match the RE at all.

Another repeating metacharacter is +, which matches one or more times. Pay careful attention to the difference between * and +* matcheszero or more times, so whatever’s being repeated may not be present at all, while + requires at least one occurrence. To use a similar example, ca+t will match cat (1 a), caaat (3 a‘s), but won’t match ct.

There are two more repeating qualifiers. The question mark character, ?, matches either once or zero times; you can think of it as marking something as being optional. For example, home-?brew matches either homebrew or home-brew.

The most complicated repeated qualifier is {m,n}, where m and n are decimal integers. This qualifier means there must be at least mrepetitions, and at most n. For example, a/{1,3}b will match a/ba//b, and a///b. It won’t match ab, which has no slashes, or a////b, which has four.

You can omit either m or n; in that case, a reasonable value is assumed for the missing value. Omitting m is interpreted as a lower limit of 0, while omitting n results in an upper bound of infinity — actually, the upper bound is the 2-billion limit mentioned earlier, but that might as well be infinity.

Readers of a reductionist bent may notice that the three other qualifiers can all be expressed using this notation. {0,} is the same as *{1,} is equivalent to +, and {0,1} is the same as ?. It’s better to use *+, or ? when you can, simply because they’re shorter and easier to read.

Using Regular Expressions

Now that we’ve looked at some simple regular expressions, how do we actually use them in Python? The re module provides an interface to the regular expression engine, allowing you to compile REs into objects and then perform matches with them.

Compiling Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are compiled into pattern objects, which have methods for various operations such as searching for pattern matches or performing string substitutions.


>>> import re
>>> p = re.compile('ab*')
>>> p  
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x...>

re.compile() also accepts an optional flags argument, used to enable various special features and syntax variations. We’ll go over the available settings later, but for now a single example will do:


>>> p = re.compile('ab*', re.IGNORECASE)

The RE is passed to re.compile() as a string. REs are handled as strings because regular expressions aren’t part of the core Python language, and no special syntax was created for expressing them. (There are applications that don’t need REs at all, so there’s no need to bloat the language specification by including them.) Instead, the re module is simply a C extension module included with Python, just like thesocket or zlib modules.

Putting REs in strings keeps the Python language simpler, but has one disadvantage which is the topic of the next section.

The Backslash Plague

As stated earlier, regular expressions use the backslash character ('\') to indicate special forms or to allow special characters to be used without invoking their special meaning. This conflicts with Python’s usage of the same character for the same purpose in string literals.

Let’s say you want to write a RE that matches the string \section, which might be found in a LaTeX file. To figure out what to write in the program code, start with the desired string to be matched. Next, you must escape any backslashes and other metacharacters by preceding them with a backslash, resulting in the string \\section. The resulting string that must be passed to re.compile() must be \\section. However, to express this as a Python string literal, both backslashes must be escaped again.

Characters Stage
\section Text string to be matched
\\section Escaped backslash for re.compile()
"\\\\section" Escaped backslashes for a string literal

In short, to match a literal backslash, one has to write '\\\\' as the RE string, because the regular expression must be \\, and each backslash must be expressed as \\ inside a regular Python string literal. In REs that feature backslashes repeatedly, this leads to lots of repeated backslashes and makes the resulting strings difficult to understand.

The solution is to use Python’s raw string notation for regular expressions; backslashes are not handled in any special way in a string literal prefixed with 'r', so r"\n" is a two-character string containing '\' and 'n', while "\n" is a one-character string containing a newline. Regular expressions will often be written in Python code using this raw string notation.

Regular String Raw string
"ab*" r"ab*"
"\\\\section" r"\\section"
"\\w+\\s+\\1" r"\w+\s+\1"

Performing Matches

Once you have an object representing a compiled regular expression, what do you do with it? Pattern objects have several methods and attributes. Only the most significant ones will be covered here; consult the re docs for a complete listing.

Method/Attribute Purpose
match() Determine if the RE matches at the beginning of the string.
search() Scan through a string, looking for any location where this RE matches.
findall() Find all substrings where the RE matches, and returns them as a list.
finditer() Find all substrings where the RE matches, and returns them as aniterator.

match() and search() return None if no match can be found. If they’re successful, a match object instance is returned, containing information about the match: where it starts and ends, the substring it matched, and more.

You can learn about this by interactively experimenting with the re module. If you have Tkinter available, you may also want to look atTools/scripts/redemo.py, a demonstration program included with the Python distribution. It allows you to enter REs and strings, and displays whether the RE matches or fails. redemo.py can be quite useful when trying to debug a complicated RE. Phil Schwartz’s Kodos is also an interactive tool for developing and testing RE patterns.

This HOWTO uses the standard Python interpreter for its examples. First, run the Python interpreter, import the re module, and compile a RE:

Python 2.2.2 (#1, Feb 10 2003, 12:57:01)
>>> import re
>>> p = re.compile('[a-z]+')
>>> p  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x...>

Now, you can try matching various strings against the RE [a-z]+. An empty string shouldn’t match at all, since + means ‘one or more repetitions’. match() should return None in this case, which will cause the interpreter to print no output. You can explicitly print the result ofmatch() to make this clear.


>>> p.match("")
>>> print p.match("")

Now, let’s try it on a string that it should match, such as tempo. In this case, match() will return a match object, so you should store the result in a variable for later use.


>>> m = p.match('tempo')
>>> m  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>

Now you can query the match object for information about the matching string. match object instances also have several methods and attributes; the most important ones are:

Method/Attribute Purpose
group() Return the string matched by the RE
start() Return the starting position of the match
end() Return the ending position of the match
span() Return a tuple containing the (start, end) positions of the match

Trying these methods will soon clarify their meaning:


>>> m.group()
>>> m.start(), m.end()
(0, 5)
>>> m.span()
(0, 5)

group() returns the substring that was matched by the RE. start() and end() return the starting and ending index of the match. span() returns both start and end indexes in a single tuple. Since the match() method only checks if the RE matches at the start of a string, start() will always be zero. However, the search() method of patterns scans through the string, so the match may not start at zero in that case.


>>> print p.match('::: message')
>>> m = p.search('::: message'); print m  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
>>> m.group()
>>> m.span()
(4, 11)

In actual programs, the most common style is to store the match object in a variable, and then check if it was None. This usually looks like:

p = re.compile( ... )
m = p.match( 'string goes here' )
if m:
    print 'Match found: ', m.group()
    print 'No match'

Two pattern methods return all of the matches for a pattern. findall() returns a list of matching strings:


>>> p = re.compile('\d+')
>>> p.findall('12 drummers drumming, 11 pipers piping, 10 lords a-leaping')
['12', '11', '10']

findall() has to create the entire list before it can be returned as the result. The finditer() method returns a sequence of match objectinstances as an iterator[1]


>>> iterator = p.finditer('12 drummers drumming, 11 ... 10 ...')
>>> iterator  
<callable-iterator object at 0x...>
>>> for match in iterator:
...     print match.span()
(0, 2)
(22, 24)
(29, 31)

Module-Level Functions

You don’t have to create a pattern object and call its methods; the re module also provides top-level functions called match()search(),findall()sub(), and so forth. These functions take the same arguments as the corresponding pattern method, with the RE string added as the first argument, and still return either None or a match object instance.


>>> print re.match(r'From\s+', 'Fromage amk')
>>> re.match(r'From\s+', 'From amk Thu May 14 19:12:10 1998')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>

Under the hood, these functions simply create a pattern object for you and call the appropriate method on it. They also store the compiled object in a cache, so future calls using the same RE are faster.

Should you use these module-level functions, or should you get the pattern and call its methods yourself? That choice depends on how frequently the RE will be used, and on your personal coding style. If the RE is being used at only one point in the code, then the module functions are probably more convenient. If a program contains a lot of regular expressions, or re-uses the same ones in several locations, then it might be worthwhile to collect all the definitions in one place, in a section of code that compiles all the REs ahead of time. To take an example from the standard library, here’s an extract from the deprecated xmllib module:

ref = re.compile( ... )
entityref = re.compile( ... )
charref = re.compile( ... )
starttagopen = re.compile( ... )

I generally prefer to work with the compiled object, even for one-time uses, but few people will be as much of a purist about this as I am.

Compilation Flags

Compilation flags let you modify some aspects of how regular expressions work. Flags are available in the re module under two names, a long name such as IGNORECASE and a short, one-letter form such as I. (If you’re familiar with Perl’s pattern modifiers, the one-letter forms use the same letters; the short form of re.VERBOSE is re.X, for example.) Multiple flags can be specified by bitwise OR-ing them; re.I | re.M sets both the I and M flags, for example.

Here’s a table of the available flags, followed by a more detailed explanation of each one.

Flag Meaning
DOTALLS Make . match any character, including newlines
IGNORECASEI Do case-insensitive matches
LOCALEL Do a locale-aware match
MULTILINEM Multi-line matching, affecting ^ and $
VERBOSEX Enable verbose REs, which can be organized more cleanly and understandably.
UNICODEU Makes several escapes like \w\b\s and \d dependent on the Unicode character database.
Perform case-insensitive matching; character class and literal strings will match letters by ignoring case. For example, [A-Z] will match lowercase letters, too, and Spam will match Spamspam, or spAM. This lowercasing doesn’t take the current locale into account; it will if you also set the LOCALE flag.
Make \w\W\b, and \B, dependent on the current locale.Locales are a feature of the C library intended to help in writing programs that take account of language differences. For example, if you’re processing French text, you’d want to be able to write \w+ to match words, but \w only matches the character class [A-Za-z]; it won’t match 'é' or 'ç'. If your system is configured properly and a French locale is selected, certain C functions will tell the program that'é' should also be considered a letter. Setting the LOCALE flag when compiling a regular expression will cause the resulting compiled object to use these C functions for \w; this is slower, but also enables \w+ to match French words as you’d expect.
(^ and $ haven’t been explained yet; they’ll be introduced in section More Metacharacters.)Usually ^ matches only at the beginning of the string, and $ matches only at the end of the string and immediately before the newline (if any) at the end of the string. When this flag is specified, ^ matches at the beginning of the string and at the beginning of each line within the string, immediately following each newline. Similarly, the $ metacharacter matches either at the end of the string and at the end of each line (immediately preceding each newline).
Makes the '.' special character match any character at all, including a newline; without this flag, '.' will match anything except a newline.
Make \w\W\b\B\d\D\s and \S dependent on the Unicode character properties database.
This flag allows you to write regular expressions that are more readable by granting you more flexibility in how you can format them. When this flag has been specified, whitespace within the RE string is ignored, except when the whitespace is in a character class or preceded by an unescaped backslash; this lets you organize and indent the RE more clearly. This flag also lets you put comments within a RE that will be ignored by the engine; comments are marked by a '#' that’s neither in a character class or preceded by an unescaped backslash.For example, here’s a RE that uses re.VERBOSE; see how much easier it is to read?

charref = re.compile(r"""
 &[#]                # Start of a numeric entity reference
     0[0-7]+         # Octal form
   | [0-9]+          # Decimal form
   | x[0-9a-fA-F]+   # Hexadecimal form
 ;                   # Trailing semicolon
""", re.VERBOSE)

Without the verbose setting, the RE would look like this:

charref = re.compile("&#(0[0-7]+"

In the above example, Python’s automatic concatenation of string literals has been used to break up the RE into smaller pieces, but it’s still more difficult to understand than the version using re.VERBOSE.

More Pattern Power

So far we’ve only covered a part of the features of regular expressions. In this section, we’ll cover some new metacharacters, and how to use groups to retrieve portions of the text that was matched.

More Metacharacters

There are some metacharacters that we haven’t covered yet. Most of them will be covered in this section.

Some of the remaining metacharacters to be discussed are zero-width assertions. They don’t cause the engine to advance through the string; instead, they consume no characters at all, and simply succeed or fail. For example, \b is an assertion that the current position is located at a word boundary; the position isn’t changed by the \b at all. This means that zero-width assertions should never be repeated, because if they match once at a given location, they can obviously be matched an infinite number of times.

Alternation, or the “or” operator. If A and B are regular expressions, A|B will match any string that matches either A or B| has very low precedence in order to make it work reasonably when you’re alternating multi-character strings. Crow|Servo will match either Crow or Servo, not Cro, a 'w' or an 'S', and ervo.To match a literal '|', use \|, or enclose it inside a character class, as in [|].
Matches at the beginning of lines. Unless the MULTILINE flag has been set, this will only match at the beginning of the string. In MULTILINEmode, this also matches immediately after each newline within the string.For example, if you wish to match the word From only at the beginning of a line, the RE to use is ^From.


>>> print re.search('^From', 'From Here to Eternity')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
>>> print re.search('^From', 'Reciting From Memory')
Matches at the end of a line, which is defined as either the end of the string, or any location followed by a newline character.


>>> print re.search('}$', '{block}')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
>>> print re.search('}$', '{block} ')
>>> print re.search('}$', '{block}\n')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>

To match a literal '$', use \$ or enclose it inside a character class, as in [$].

Matches only at the start of the string. When not in MULTILINE mode, \A and ^ are effectively the same. In MULTILINE mode, they’re different:\A still matches only at the beginning of the string, but ^ may match at any location inside the string that follows a newline character.
Matches only at the end of the string.
Word boundary. This is a zero-width assertion that matches only at the beginning or end of a word. A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a non-alphanumeric character.The following example matches class only when it’s a complete word; it won’t match when it’s contained inside another word.


>>> p = re.compile(r'\bclass\b')
>>> print p.search('no class at all')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
>>> print p.search('the declassified algorithm')
>>> print p.search('one subclass is')

There are two subtleties you should remember when using this special sequence. First, this is the worst collision between Python’s string literals and regular expression sequences. In Python’s string literals, \b is the backspace character, ASCII value 8. If you’re not using raw strings, then Python will convert the \b to a backspace, and your RE won’t match as you expect it to. The following example looks the same as our previous RE, but omits the 'r' in front of the RE string.


>>> p = re.compile('\bclass\b')
>>> print p.search('no class at all')
>>> print p.search('\b' + 'class' + '\b')  
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>

Second, inside a character class, where there’s no use for this assertion, \b represents the backspace character, for compatibility with Python’s string literals.

Another zero-width assertion, this is the opposite of \b, only matching when the current position is not at a word boundary.


Frequently you need to obtain more information than just whether the RE matched or not. Regular expressions are often used to dissect strings by writing a RE divided into several subgroups which match different components of interest. For example, an RFC-822 header line is divided into a header name and a value, separated by a ':', like this:

From: author@example.com
User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061227)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: editor@example.com

This can be handled by writing a regular expression which matches an entire header line, and has one group which matches the header name, and another group which matches the header’s value.

Groups are marked by the '('')' metacharacters. '(' and ')' have much the same meaning as they do in mathematical expressions; they group together the expressions contained inside them, and you can repeat the contents of a group with a repeating qualifier, such as *+?, or {m,n}. For example, (ab)* will match zero or more repetitions of ab.


>>> p = re.compile('(ab)*')
>>> print p.match('ababababab').span()
(0, 10)

Groups indicated with '('')' also capture the starting and ending index of the text that they match; this can be retrieved by passing an argument to group()start()end(), and span(). Groups are numbered starting with 0. Group 0 is always present; it’s the whole RE, so match object methods all have group 0 as their default argument. Later we’ll see how to express groups that don’t capture the span of text that they match.


>>> p = re.compile('(a)b')
>>> m = p.match('ab')
>>> m.group()
>>> m.group(0)

Subgroups are numbered from left to right, from 1 upward. Groups can be nested; to determine the number, just count the opening parenthesis characters, going from left to right.


>>> p = re.compile('(a(b)c)d')
>>> m = p.match('abcd')
>>> m.group(0)
>>> m.group(1)
>>> m.group(2)

group() can be passed multiple group numbers at a time, in which case it will return a tuple containing the corresponding values for those groups.


>>> m.group(2,1,2)
('b', 'abc', 'b')

The groups() method returns a tuple containing the strings for all the subgroups, from 1 up to however many there are.


>>> m.groups()
('abc', 'b')

Backreferences in a pattern allow you to specify that the contents of an earlier capturing group must also be found at the current location in the string. For example, \1 will succeed if the exact contents of group 1 can be found at the current position, and fails otherwise. Remember that Python’s string literals also use a backslash followed by numbers to allow including arbitrary characters in a string, so be sure to use a raw string when incorporating backreferences in a RE.

For example, the following RE detects doubled words in a string.


>>> p = re.compile(r'(\b\w+)\s+\1')
>>> p.search('Paris in the the spring').group()
'the the'

Backreferences like this aren’t often useful for just searching through a string — there are few text formats which repeat data in this way — but you’ll soon find out that they’re very useful when performing string substitutions.

Non-capturing and Named Groups

Elaborate REs may use many groups, both to capture substrings of interest, and to group and structure the RE itself. In complex REs, it becomes difficult to keep track of the group numbers. There are two features which help with this problem. Both of them use a common syntax for regular expression extensions, so we’ll look at that first.

Perl 5 added several additional features to standard regular expressions, and the Python re module supports most of them. It would have been difficult to choose new single-keystroke metacharacters or new special sequences beginning with \ to represent the new features without making Perl’s regular expressions confusingly different from standard REs. If you chose & as a new metacharacter, for example, old expressions would be assuming that & was a regular character and wouldn’t have escaped it by writing \& or [&].

The solution chosen by the Perl developers was to use (?...) as the extension syntax. ? immediately after a parenthesis was a syntax error because the ? would have nothing to repeat, so this didn’t introduce any compatibility problems. The characters immediately after the ?indicate what extension is being used, so (?=foo) is one thing (a positive lookahead assertion) and (?:foo) is something else (a non-capturing group containing the subexpression foo).

Python adds an extension syntax to Perl’s extension syntax. If the first character after the question mark is a P, you know that it’s an extension that’s specific to Python. Currently there are two such extensions: (?P<name>...) defines a named group, and (?P=name) is a backreference to a named group. If future versions of Perl 5 add similar features using a different syntax, the re module will be changed to support the new syntax, while preserving the Python-specific syntax for compatibility’s sake.

Now that we’ve looked at the general extension syntax, we can return to the features that simplify working with groups in complex REs. Since groups are numbered from left to right and a complex expression may use many groups, it can become difficult to keep track of the correct numbering. Modifying such a complex RE is annoying, too: insert a new group near the beginning and you change the numbers of everything that follows it.

Sometimes you’ll want to use a group to collect a part of a regular expression, but aren’t interested in retrieving the group’s contents. You can make this fact explicit by using a non-capturing group: (?:...), where you can replace the ... with any other regular expression.


>>> m = re.match("([abc])+", "abc")
>>> m.groups()
>>> m = re.match("(?:[abc])+", "abc")
>>> m.groups()

Except for the fact that you can’t retrieve the contents of what the group matched, a non-capturing group behaves exactly the same as a capturing group; you can put anything inside it, repeat it with a repetition metacharacter such as *, and nest it within other groups (capturing or non-capturing). (?:...) is particularly useful when modifying an existing pattern, since you can add new groups without changing how all the other groups are numbered. It should be mentioned that there’s no performance difference in searching between capturing and non-capturing groups; neither form is any faster than the other.

A more significant feature is named groups: instead of referring to them by numbers, groups can be referenced by a name.

The syntax for a named group is one of the Python-specific extensions: (?P<name>...)name is, obviously, the name of the group. Named groups also behave exactly like capturing groups, and additionally associate a name with a group. The match object methods that deal with capturing groups all accept either integers that refer to the group by number or strings that contain the desired group’s name. Named groups are still given numbers, so you can retrieve information about a group in two ways:


>>> p = re.compile(r'(?P<word>\b\w+\b)')
>>> m = p.search( '(((( Lots of punctuation )))' )
>>> m.group('word')
>>> m.group(1)

Named groups are handy because they let you use easily-remembered names, instead of having to remember numbers. Here’s an example RE from the imaplib module:

InternalDate = re.compile(r'INTERNALDATE "'
        r'(?P<day>[ 123][0-9])-(?P<mon>[A-Z][a-z][a-z])-'
        r' (?P<hour>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<min>[0-9][0-9]):(?P<sec>[0-9][0-9])'
        r' (?P<zonen>[-+])(?P<zoneh>[0-9][0-9])(?P<zonem>[0-9][0-9])'

It’s obviously much easier to retrieve m.group('zonem'), instead of having to remember to retrieve group 9.

The syntax for backreferences in an expression such as (...)\1 refers to the number of the group. There’s naturally a variant that uses the group name instead of the number. This is another Python extension: (?P=name) indicates that the contents of the group called name should again be matched at the current point. The regular expression for finding doubled words, (\b\w+)\s+\1 can also be written as (?P<word>\b\w+)\s+(?P=word):


>>> p = re.compile(r'(?P<word>\b\w+)\s+(?P=word)')
>>> p.search('Paris in the the spring').group()
'the the'

Lookahead Assertions

Another zero-width assertion is the lookahead assertion. Lookahead assertions are available in both positive and negative form, and look like this:

Positive lookahead assertion. This succeeds if the contained regular expression, represented here by ..., successfully matches at the current location, and fails otherwise. But, once the contained expression has been tried, the matching engine doesn’t advance at all; the rest of the pattern is tried right where the assertion started.
Negative lookahead assertion. This is the opposite of the positive assertion; it succeeds if the contained expression doesn’t match at the current position in the string.

To make this concrete, let’s look at a case where a lookahead is useful. Consider a simple pattern to match a filename and split it apart into a base name and an extension, separated by a .. For example, in news.rcnews is the base name, and rc is the filename’s extension.

The pattern to match this is quite simple:


Notice that the . needs to be treated specially because it’s a metacharacter; I’ve put it inside a character class. Also notice the trailing $; this is added to ensure that all the rest of the string must be included in the extension. This regular expression matches foo.bar and autoexec.batand sendmail.cf and printers.conf.

Now, consider complicating the problem a bit; what if you want to match filenames where the extension is not bat? Some incorrect attempts:

.*[.][^b].*$ The first attempt above tries to exclude bat by requiring that the first character of the extension is not a b. This is wrong, because the pattern also doesn’t match foo.bar.


The expression gets messier when you try to patch up the first solution by requiring one of the following cases to match: the first character of the extension isn’t b; the second character isn’t a; or the third character isn’t t. This accepts foo.bar and rejects autoexec.bat, but it requires a three-letter extension and won’t accept a filename with a two-letter extension such as sendmail.cf. We’ll complicate the pattern again in an effort to fix it.


In the third attempt, the second and third letters are all made optional in order to allow matching extensions shorter than three characters, such as sendmail.cf.

The pattern’s getting really complicated now, which makes it hard to read and understand. Worse, if the problem changes and you want to exclude both bat and exe as extensions, the pattern would get even more complicated and confusing.

A negative lookahead cuts through all this confusion:

.*[.](?!bat$).*$ The negative lookahead means: if the expression bat doesn’t match at this point, try the rest of the pattern; if bat$ does match, the whole pattern will fail. The trailing $ is required to ensure that something like sample.batch, where the extension only starts with bat, will be allowed.

Excluding another filename extension is now easy; simply add it as an alternative inside the assertion. The following pattern excludes filenames that end in either bat or exe:


Modifying Strings

Up to this point, we’ve simply performed searches against a static string. Regular expressions are also commonly used to modify strings in various ways, using the following pattern methods:

Method/Attribute Purpose
split() Split the string into a list, splitting it wherever the RE matches
sub() Find all substrings where the RE matches, and replace them with a different string
subn() Does the same thing as sub(), but returns the new string and the number of replacements

Splitting Strings

The split() method of a pattern splits a string apart wherever the RE matches, returning a list of the pieces. It’s similar to the split() method of strings but provides much more generality in the delimiters that you can split by; split() only supports splitting by whitespace or by a fixed string. As you’d expect, there’s a module-level re.split() function, too.

.split(string[, maxsplit=0])
Split string by the matches of the regular expression. If capturing parentheses are used in the RE, then their contents will also be returned as part of the resulting list. If maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit splits are performed.

You can limit the number of splits made, by passing a value for maxsplit. When maxsplit is nonzero, at most maxsplit splits will be made, and the remainder of the string is returned as the final element of the list. In the following example, the delimiter is any sequence of non-alphanumeric characters.


>>> p = re.compile(r'\W+')
>>> p.split('This is a test, short and sweet, of split().')
['This', 'is', 'a', 'test', 'short', 'and', 'sweet', 'of', 'split', '']
>>> p.split('This is a test, short and sweet, of split().', 3)
['This', 'is', 'a', 'test, short and sweet, of split().']

Sometimes you’re not only interested in what the text between delimiters is, but also need to know what the delimiter was. If capturing parentheses are used in the RE, then their values are also returned as part of the list. Compare the following calls:


>>> p = re.compile(r'\W+')
>>> p2 = re.compile(r'(\W+)')
>>> p.split('This... is a test.')
['This', 'is', 'a', 'test', '']
>>> p2.split('This... is a test.')
['This', '... ', 'is', ' ', 'a', ' ', 'test', '.', '']

The module-level function re.split() adds the RE to be used as the first argument, but is otherwise the same.


>>> re.split('[\W]+', 'Words, words, words.')
['Words', 'words', 'words', '']
>>> re.split('([\W]+)', 'Words, words, words.')
['Words', ', ', 'words', ', ', 'words', '.', '']
>>> re.split('[\W]+', 'Words, words, words.', 1)
['Words', 'words, words.']

Search and Replace

Another common task is to find all the matches for a pattern, and replace them with a different string. The sub() method takes a replacement value, which can be either a string or a function, and the string to be processed.

.sub(replacementstring[, count=0])
Returns the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of the RE in string by the replacement replacement. If the pattern isn’t found, string is returned unchanged.The optional argument count is the maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced; count must be a non-negative integer. The default value of 0 means to replace all occurrences.

Here’s a simple example of using the sub() method. It replaces colour names with the word colour:


>>> p = re.compile( '(blue|white|red)')
>>> p.sub( 'colour', 'blue socks and red shoes')
'colour socks and colour shoes'
>>> p.sub( 'colour', 'blue socks and red shoes', count=1)
'colour socks and red shoes'

The subn() method does the same work, but returns a 2-tuple containing the new string value and the number of replacements that were performed:


>>> p = re.compile( '(blue|white|red)')
>>> p.subn( 'colour', 'blue socks and red shoes')
('colour socks and colour shoes', 2)
>>> p.subn( 'colour', 'no colours at all')
('no colours at all', 0)

Empty matches are replaced only when they’re not adjacent to a previous match.


>>> p = re.compile('x*')
>>> p.sub('-', 'abxd')

If replacement is a string, any backslash escapes in it are processed. That is, \n is converted to a single newline character, \r is converted to a carriage return, and so forth. Unknown escapes such as \j are left alone. Backreferences, such as \6, are replaced with the substring matched by the corresponding group in the RE. This lets you incorporate portions of the original text in the resulting replacement string.

This example matches the word section followed by a string enclosed in {}, and changes section to subsection:


>>> p = re.compile('section{ ( [^}]* ) }', re.VERBOSE)
>>> p.sub(r'subsection{\1}','section{First} section{second}')
'subsection{First} subsection{second}'

There’s also a syntax for referring to named groups as defined by the (?P<name>...) syntax. \g<name> will use the substring matched by the group named name, and \g<number> uses the corresponding group number. \g<2> is therefore equivalent to \2, but isn’t ambiguous in a replacement string such as \g<2>0. (\20 would be interpreted as a reference to group 20, not a reference to group 2 followed by the literal character '0'.) The following substitutions are all equivalent, but use all three variations of the replacement string.


>>> p = re.compile('section{ (?P<name> [^}]* ) }', re.VERBOSE)
>>> p.sub(r'subsection{\1}','section{First}')
>>> p.sub(r'subsection{\g<1>}','section{First}')
>>> p.sub(r'subsection{\g<name>}','section{First}')

replacement can also be a function, which gives you even more control. If replacement is a function, the function is called for every non-overlapping occurrence of pattern. On each call, the function is passed a match object argument for the match and can use this information to compute the desired replacement string and return it.

In the following example, the replacement function translates decimals into hexadecimal:


>>> def hexrepl(match):
...     "Return the hex string for a decimal number"
...     value = int(match.group())
...     return hex(value)
>>> p = re.compile(r'\d+')
>>> p.sub(hexrepl, 'Call 65490 for printing, 49152 for user code.')
'Call 0xffd2 for printing, 0xc000 for user code.'

When using the module-level re.sub() function, the pattern is passed as the first argument. The pattern may be provided as an object or as a string; if you need to specify regular expression flags, you must either use a pattern object as the first parameter, or use embedded modifiers in the pattern string, e.g. sub("(?i)b+", "x", "bbbb BBBB") returns 'x x'.

Common Problems

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for some applications, but in some ways their behaviour isn’t intuitive and at times they don’t behave the way you may expect them to. This section will point out some of the most common pitfalls.

Use String Methods

Sometimes using the re module is a mistake. If you’re matching a fixed string, or a single character class, and you’re not using any refeatures such as the IGNORECASE flag, then the full power of regular expressions may not be required. Strings have several methods for performing operations with fixed strings and they’re usually much faster, because the implementation is a single small C loop that’s been optimized for the purpose, instead of the large, more generalized regular expression engine.

One example might be replacing a single fixed string with another one; for example, you might replace word with deedre.sub() seems like the function to use for this, but consider the replace() method. Note that replace() will also replace word inside words, turning swordfish intosdeedfish, but the naive RE word would have done that, too. (To avoid performing the substitution on parts of words, the pattern would have to be \bword\b, in order to require that word have a word boundary on either side. This takes the job beyond replace()‘s abilities.)

Another common task is deleting every occurrence of a single character from a string or replacing it with another single character. You might do this with something like re.sub('\n', ' ', S), but translate() is capable of doing both tasks and will be faster than any regular expression operation can be.

In short, before turning to the re module, consider whether your problem can be solved with a faster and simpler string method.

Greedy versus Non-Greedy

When repeating a regular expression, as in a*, the resulting action is to consume as much of the pattern as possible. This fact often bites you when you’re trying to match a pair of balanced delimiters, such as the angle brackets surrounding an HTML tag. The naive pattern for matching a single HTML tag doesn’t work because of the greedy nature of .*.


>>> s = '<html><head><title>Title</title>'
>>> len(s)
>>> print re.match('<.*>', s).span()
(0, 32)
>>> print re.match('<.*>', s).group()

The RE matches the '<' in <html>, and the .* consumes the rest of the string. There’s still more left in the RE, though, and the > can’t match at the end of the string, so the regular expression engine has to backtrack character by character until it finds a match for the >. The final match extends from the '<' in <html> to the '>' in </title>, which isn’t what you want.

In this case, the solution is to use the non-greedy qualifiers *?+???, or {m,n}?, which match as little text as possible. In the above example, the '>' is tried immediately after the first '<' matches, and when it fails, the engine advances a character at a time, retrying the '>' at every step. This produces just the right result:


>>> print re.match('<.*?>', s).group()

(Note that parsing HTML or XML with regular expressions is painful. Quick-and-dirty patterns will handle common cases, but HTML and XML have special cases that will break the obvious regular expression; by the time you’ve written a regular expression that handles all of the possible cases, the patterns will be very complicated. Use an HTML or XML parser module for such tasks.)

Using re.VERBOSE

By now you’ve probably noticed that regular expressions are a very compact notation, but they’re not terribly readable. REs of moderate complexity can become lengthy collections of backslashes, parentheses, and metacharacters, making them difficult to read and understand.

For such REs, specifying the re.VERBOSE flag when compiling the regular expression can be helpful, because it allows you to format the regular expression more clearly.

The re.VERBOSE flag has several effects. Whitespace in the regular expression that isn’t inside a character class is ignored. This means that an expression such as dog | cat is equivalent to the less readable dog|cat, but [a b] will still match the characters 'a''b', or a space. In addition, you can also put comments inside a RE; comments extend from a # character to the next newline. When used with triple-quoted strings, this enables REs to be formatted more neatly:

pat = re.compile(r"""
 \s*                 # Skip leading whitespace
 (?P<header>[^:]+)   # Header name
 \s* :               # Whitespace, and a colon
 (?P<value>.*?)      # The header's value -- *? used to
                     # lose the following trailing whitespace
 \s*$                # Trailing whitespace to end-of-line
""", re.VERBOSE)

This is far more readable than:

pat = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<header>[^:]+)\s*:(?P<value>.*?)\s*$")


Regular expressions are a complicated topic. Did this document help you understand them? Were there parts that were unclear, or Problems you encountered that weren’t covered here? If so, please send suggestions for improvements to the author.

The most complete book on regular expressions is almost certainly Jeffrey Friedl’s Mastering Regular Expressions, published by O’Reilly. Unfortunately, it exclusively concentrates on Perl and Java’s flavours of regular expressions, and doesn’t contain any Python material at all, so it won’t be useful as a reference for programming in Python. (The first edition covered Python’s now-removed regex module, which won’t help you much.) Consider checking it out from your library.


[1] Introduced in Python 2.2.2.